EXCLUSIVE: RNC Releases ‘Confused Joe Biden’ Ad Targeting President’s Numerous Gaffes

The Republican National Committee (RNC) is launching a new digital advertisement Friday, first shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation, depicting three minutes’ worth of President Joe Biden’s numerous gaffes.

Biden, who turned 81 in November, faces growing concern over his age from many on the left and right ahead of a potential matchup with former President Donald Trump. The RNC is taking aim at the president’s apparent weak spot in a video titled “3 Minutes of a Confused Joe Biden,” composed of a series of clips where he appears uncertain of his surroundings.

“America and our allies are less safe because no one respects Joe Biden,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel told the DCNF in a statement. “In three years, the Taliban took over Afghanistan, Russia invaded Ukraine, and Hamas terrorists attacked Israel. Now, eight Americans remain held hostage, Israel is still at war, and our president is dazed and confused. Biden’s weakness has emboldened our enemies, and four more years of failed leadership would only invite further chaos.”

Hamas has taken hundreds of hostages following its Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel, and began their release during a temporary ceasefire in late November. Only four Americans have been released so far, with eight remaining in Gaza.

The Democratic National Committee took aim at Trump in a statement to the DCNF, not acknowledging the concerns over Biden’s age.

“It’s ironic to see the RNC wasting what little cash they have attacking President Biden’s strong leadership on the world stage when their own leader, Donald Trump, literally cannot stop himself from praising terrorists and parroting Hitler on the campaign trail,” Sarafina Chitika, national press secretary for the DNC, said. “Voters know who they trust to lead on the global stage – and it isn’t the guy penning love letters to Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and promising to be a ‘dictator on day one.’ You’ve got to hand it to the GOP: they sure know how to latch on to a losing argument when they see one.”

Though Trump, who is leading the GOP primary field by over 50 points, is only four years Biden’s junior, polling indicates voters are much more concerned over the current president’s age and mental sharpness.

A Wall Street Journal survey released Dec. 9 found Trump leading Biden 45% to 29% on who voters thought “is mentally up for the job.” The former president was also ahead by 34 points on who had more “physical stamina.”

Despite these headwinds, Biden continues to hold the Democratic primary field largely to himself with nearly 70% support in the RealClearPolitics (RCP) average. Minnesota Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips mounted a challenge to Biden in late October, citing concerns over the president’s age and electability, as well as the general need for alternatives.

However, Trump is currently leading Biden nationally by 2.3 points, and in crucial battleground states like PennsylvaniaMichiganArizonaGeorgia and Nevada, according to the RCP.

Mary Lou Masters on December 22, 2023

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