Jewish Voters Are Taking A Second Look At Donald Trump

A recent Siena College poll shocked many with President Trump leading Joe Biden among Jewish New York voters 53% to 44%. This 9-point lead is unprecedented for Jewish voters to support a Republican presidential candidate and opens the possibility of flipping this group from blue to red.

In 2016, 24% of the Jewish vote went for Trump and 30% in 2020. So, if Jews around the country are trending over 50% like they are in New York right now, this could spell disaster for the Democrats who have grown accustomed to receiving 70-75% of Jewish voters in previous national elections. While it’s just one poll, it could be the beginning of a realignment of Jews from overwhelmingly voting Democratic.

The surge in support from the Jewish New York Community for President Trump is not shocking to me for three reasons: 1) Trump delivered on every single campaign promise he made to the Jewish and Pro-Israel community. 2) The Democrats have missed many opportunities to condemn Squad members such as Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. 3) The aftermath of the horrific Oct. 7 massacre in Israel led to mass protests happening around the United States with protestors calling for the genocide of the Jewish people in Israel and around the world.

When it comes to President Trump, he made promises to the Jewish and pro-Israel community on the campaign trail in 2016, promises that many politicians have made for decades but never had the guts to follow through on.

Trump promised that he would improve our damaged relationship with Israel and withdraw from the disastrous Obama-Biden-negotiated Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), an accord more commonly known as the Iran Nuclear Deal. Trump withdrew from that failed agreement, enacted crippling sanctions against Iran’s regime in Tehran, financially bringing it to its knees. Again, the president promised and delivered.

In addition to the campaign promises that he made and delivered on, it was Trump who brought the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Kingdom of Bahrain to Washington, D.C., to sign the truly historic Abraham Accords, a document effectively normalizing the relationship between Israel and these two Arab nations.

He took a major step forward for peace between Israelis and Arabs globally. This means peace was achieved through strength and without any bombs being dropped or bullets fired. We’ve seen what such peace through strength produced and now we have witnessed the complete opposite — as it unfolds on the world stage, under the weak leadership of President Joe Biden.

The Middle East is on fire right now and Israel is fighting for their very survival as a nation while they are undermined every step of the way by the United States and most of the UN. From moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem to brokering the Nobel Peace Prize-deserving Abraham Accords, to bringing the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism (the Islamic Republic of Iran) to its knees and to never wavering in his support for the homeland of the Jewish people, the former commander in chief delivered for the Jewish and Pro-Israel community — time and time again.

The Jewish community can rest assured if Donald J. Trump is elected to be our 47th president, he is going to continue to stand with the Jewish community here in America, Israel and around the world.

Bryan Leib on February 22, 2024

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