President Trump Wants to ‘Declassify Everything’

The White House from Washington, DC via Wikimedia Commons

President Trump is ready to air everyone’s dirty laundry. On Saturday, the President said he is already in the process to “declassify everything” amid concerns over the Justice Department and AG Barr’s decision to withhold information regarding an ongoing investigation involving Democrat rival Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

President Trump responded to radio host Todd Starnes who said the President should move ahead and “declassify everything.” President Trump tweeted back in agreement writing, “I have been doing this. I agree!”

The Daily Wire reports:

On Friday, The Wall Street Journal reported, tensions bubbled over in the White House, following news that Trump’s Attorney General William Barr knew of the investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings before the presidential election but did not make it public — a decision, the president felt, cost him support and may have cost him the election.

“Mr. Trump, in a meeting Friday, fumed about a Wall Street Journal report that Mr. Barr knew of an existing federal investigation into Hunter Biden before the election but worked to keep it from being publicly disclosed, a person familiar with the conversation said. In the meeting, Mr. Trump contemplated firing Mr. Barr, people familiar with the conversation said, adding that it is not clear whether Mr. Trump intends to follow through,” WSJ noted.

Although it’s not clear what Trump is planning to “declassify,” The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday that the president is considering several special counsel investigations: one into Hunter Biden’s business dealings and alleged tax issues, one into claims of widespread vote fraud in the 2020 presidential election, and even a probe of Barr, himself, stemming from Barr’s comments last week that the DOJ does not suspect a national effort to upend the November elections.

If Trump appoints a special counsel, it will likely be a heavily limited investigation. The Electoral College is expected to vote to make Joe Biden president on Monday, and Congress is expected to certify that vote the first week of January after it returns from its holiday recess.


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