The Witch Hunt on Trump Continues and The Executive Branch is Overreaching

As the witch hunt on President Trump continues, the Executive Branch has overreached. The Biden Administration is interfering by telling the U.S. Supreme Court to “steer clear” of all matters relating to the classification of documents seized in the Mar-a-Lago raid back in August. Yet, Biden’s cronies at the Department of Justice have appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court against the special master granted to President Trump. The U.S. Supreme Court is weighing an emergency appeal from Trump asking it to overturn a lower court ruling and allow a special master, to review the roughly 100 documents with classified markings that were taken during the raid on Mar-a-Lago.

The Justice Department said in a 32-page filing that Trump’s claim has no merit, noting the case involves “extraordinarily sensitive government records.”

At issue is a legal dispute over the scope of the authority given to Raymond Dearie, a veteran Brooklyn judge who was named last month to serve as a special master and segregate any documents seized from Mar-a-Lago that may be covered by claims of executive privilege or attorney-client privilege. All told, roughly 11,000 documents were taken during the Aug. 8 search, including about 100 with classification markings.

But the appeals court set aside that part of Cannon’s longer ruling, agreeing with the Justice Department’s arguments that there was no need for Dearie to review the classified records since they were not likely to involve issues of privilege. The Trump team subsequently appealed.

The Justice Department, meanwhile, is appealing Cannon’s entire ruling to the 11th Circuit. In the Supreme Court filing, the department described it “as an unprecedented order by the district court restricting the Executive Branch’s use of its own highly classified records in an ongoing criminal investigation and directing the dissemination of those records outside the Executive Branch for a special-master review.”

Learn more at The AP.

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