Kavanaugh Confirmation Circus: Daughters Rushed Out

The Kavanaugh confirmation has become a political circus. Interruptions and protests have plagued the hearing and have caused the nominee’s young daughters to be rushed from the room.

According to the Daily Wire:

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s young daughters, Margaret, 13, and Elizabeth, 10, were rushed out of their father’s unnecessarily chaotic confirmation hearing on Tuesday, sources claim.

According to The Washington Examiner, a source said the two girls were rushed out by their mother, Ashley Kavanaugh, “as the hearing got ‘hot.'”

“It was very unpleasant for young children,” said the source.

As reported by The Daily Wire earlier on Tuesday, it took a whole ten seconds for Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) to interrupt the hearing, demanding an adjournment. Things turned into a circus from there; within the first 60 minutes of the hearing, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee interrupted proceedings nearly 60 times.

The Dems have organized chaos and disruption. This seems to be their tactic of choice to oppose a nominee so highly qualified as Brett Kavanaugh.


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