Remember when John Kerry testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and compared American soldiers to Genghis Khan? We do. See, John Kerry has quite the checkered past and has some funny ideas about right and wrong. One would attribute that to youthful folly, but he just won’t quit. Now John Kerry is telling pro-terrorist Palestinians how to subvert American foreign policy under President Trump.
According to the Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv, Kerry told an emissary of Palestinian President Abbas to “hold on and be strong …that he should stay strong in his spirit and play for time, that he will not break and will not yield to President Trump’s demands.” He also told them that Trump, “would not remain President for long” and that they should stick to attacks on Trump personally, allegedly use derogatory terms to describe Trump. Kerry is clearly urging Abbas to pander to anti-Trump sentiment in America and Europe.
John Kerry hasn’t had this much fun since he tossed his medals over the White House fence. This is the same man that traveled the globe to sell the Iran Nuclear Deal, where billions were bestowed on an Iranian regime intent on the destruction of Israel. The only question we have is whether John Kerry is a traitor. or does he just hate Israel that much? While we cannot be certain, his true colors are plain to see.
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