4.) Job Numbers

June 8, 2020 TTN Staff

There was going to be consequences for the lockdown, everyone agreed that the number of those who were unemployed was going to skyrocket after the…

2.) Hydroxychloroquine

June 8, 2020 TTN Staff

Hydroxychloroquine is a drug the President touted as being a possible treatment for the Coronavirus. The Drug had proved effective for stopping the spread of…

1.) Social Distancing

June 8, 2020 TTN Staff

Many felt as if the social distancing recommendation went too far as some politicians publicly contemplated keeping the new rules around until next year, for…

6.) Philadelphia

June 5, 2020 TTN Staff

Philadelphia is one of the many cities seeing rioters and looters. The extent of the damage to the city is hard to find as other…

5.) Chicago

June 5, 2020 TTN Staff

Chicago is seeing escalations of violence as looters are confronted by armed business owners. While Chicago has had its issues with violence in the past…

4.) Sacramento

June 5, 2020 TTN Staff

Sacramento California is currently seeing many rioters and lots of property damage as a result.        <<<BACK   NEXT>>>

8 Fast Facts About the Coronavirus

January 31, 2020 TTN Staff

Media Headline across publications have been dominated by the Coronavirus but is this the next plague or is this all being blown out of proportion? …