4.) Mass Imigration

November 25, 2019 TTN Staff

Bloomberg is a big proponent of mass immigration and the decriminalization of illegal immigration. This insane policy is being supported by all but a small…

3.) Media Covor and Bias?

November 25, 2019 TTN Staff

Bloomberg owns a news outlet that shares his namesake and many are concerned about the potential bias that will emerge from the outlet. Bloomberg News…

2.) Big Money Dump

November 25, 2019 TTN Staff

Micheal Bloomberg dumped $31 Million into TV ads across the nation if you live in a state with a  heavily contested Democratic Primary you might…

2.) Big Money Dump

November 25, 2019 TTN Staff

Micheal Bloomberg dumped $31 Million into TV ads across the nation if you live in a state with a  heavily contested Democratic Primary you might…

7.) More and More Fake News

November 22, 2019 TTN Staff

Every few weeks we see an article about how evil Trump is and about how terrible the administration is and these articles are written by…

6.) Micheal Cohen

November 22, 2019 TTN Staff

Micheal Cohen completely turned on the President after he wasn’t appointed to a position and went as far as to allegedly conspire with the Democrats…

6.) Micheal Cohen

November 22, 2019 TTN Staff

Micheal Cohen completely turned on the President after he wasn’t appointed to a position and went as far as to allegedly conspire with the Democrats…

5.) Spicer Resignation

November 22, 2019 TTN Staff

When Sean Spicer resigned the media made up story after story about how this was a key sign that Trump was a guilty man and…

4.) The Firing of James Comey

November 22, 2019 TTN Staff

When James Comey was fired the media went wild and claimed that Trump was guilty of all sorts of things. Could they have been any…

3.) Micheal Flynn

November 22, 2019 TTN Staff

Michael Flynn sought immunity when giving testimony about his time in the Trump administration, this is standard for almost any witness in any case. The…