5.) How Likely Is A Pardon?

November 15, 2019 TTN Staff

How likely is Roger Stone to get a Pardon? No one knows. Roger Stone and the President have been long-time associates and Stone has always…

4.) Will This Hurt Trump?

November 15, 2019 TTN Staff

Will this hurt the President? No, many Democrats see the President as being the end all be all of the evil, while many Republicans see…

3.) Lying to Congress

November 15, 2019 TTN Staff

Stone allegedly lied to Congress when he told them he did not remember having a phone call with the President about Wikileaks, according to records…

2.) Obstruction

November 15, 2019 TTN Staff

The Obstruction charges that Stone was found guilty on also stem from his interactions with comedian Randy Credico. The prosecution alleged that the texts between…

2.) Obstruction

November 15, 2019 TTN Staff

The Obstruction charges that Stone was found guilty on also stem from his interactions with comedian Randy Credico. The prosecution alleged that the texts between…

7.) Devin Nunes Comment

November 14, 2019 TTN Staff

One of the most prolific comments made at the hearing was by Devin Nunes, he stated that this was no more than a low budget…

6.) The Whistleblower

November 14, 2019 TTN Staff

There has been massive debate as to whether or not the whistleblower should be outed, this debate carried into the first portion of the hearing.…

4.) Unlikely To Have Impact

November 14, 2019 TTN Staff

The public hearing was bad for Democrats as many who took the time to watch it will remain unswayed and those that didn't see it…

3.) Unreliable Testimony

November 14, 2019 TTN Staff

Most if not all of the testimony that was heard was unreliable as it was all 2nd hand knowledge. While those giving testimony have long…