Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is the most ambitious saboteur of Republican agendas. He took his Gang of 8 work ethic from the Bush era and…
Never Trumper Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) has voted with the President 90% of the time, but still despises him. The vanquished, retiring senator attempted to launch…
Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn), the corporate-oriented mayor from Chattanooga has had his share of condescending slurs thrown at President Trump. "When his term is over, I think the…
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) comes from big-government Republican stock in Alaska. She made headlines last year when her vote killed the Obamacare repeal for two…
Comey signed three applications authorizing FISA; McCabe signed one. <<<PREVIOUS | NEXT>>>
1 application, 3 renewals of FISA warrant. No corroboration burnished during processes. <<<PREVIOUS | NEXT>>>
FISA judges were not told that Democrats paid $160,000 to commission the report. <<<PREVIOUS | NEXT>>>
Steele briefed Yahoo News' Isikoff Article, which was part of supporting evidence for FISA application. <<<PREVIOUS | NEXT>>>
FBI continued working with Steele, without scrutinizing media contact, submitted an application without it. <<<PREVIOUS | NEXT>>>
Steele lied about contacts to FBI, putting him in line for Obstruction charges. <<<PREVIOUS | NEXT>>>