15.) Jeff ‘Flakey’ Flake

February 1, 2018 TTN Staff

Sen. Jeff Flake(y), who is unelectable in the Great State of Arizona (quit race, anemic polls) was caught (purposely) on “mike” saying bad things about…

17.) ‘Sloppy’ Steve Bannon

February 1, 2018 TTN Staff

Michael Wolff is a total loser who made up stories in order to sell this really boring and untruthful book. He used Sloppy Steve Bannon,…

18.) ‘Sneaky’ Dianne Feinstein

February 1, 2018 TTN Staff

The fact that Sneaky Dianne Feinstein, who has on numerous occasions stated that collusion between Trump/Russia has not been found, would release testimony in such…

19.) Dick ‘Dicky’ Durbin

February 1, 2018 TTN Staff

Senator Dicky Durbin totally misrepresented what was said at the DACA meeting. Deals can’t get made when there is no trust! Durbin blew DACA and…

20.) Chuck ‘Sleepy Eyes’ Todd

February 1, 2018 TTN Staff

When will Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd and @NBCNews start talking about the Obama SURVEILLANCE SCANDAL and stop with the Fake Trump/Russia story? ~ DJT 4/1/17…

21.) Pocahontas

February 1, 2018 TTN Staff

Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, just misrepresented me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary, who she always hated! ~ DJT 7/25/16 <<<PREVIOUS |…