3.) Trump Dismissed WHO’s Help

June 16, 2020 TTN Staff

Biden claimed that Trump turned down offers from the World Health Organization(WHO) to sell Covid-19 testing kits to the United States. This was not true…

2.) Trump Called Virus A Hoax

June 16, 2020 TTN Staff

Biden Alleged that Trump called the Coronavirus a hoax when in reality this was never said. This is the sort of political blunder that would…

1.) Creating Bridges

June 16, 2020 TTN Staff

Joe Biden claimed that he was able to secure GOP votes for Obamacare while he was vice president. This simply isn't the case, every Republican…

5.) When Will It End?

June 15, 2020 TTN Staff

Many are beginning to wonder when this will end. The CHAZ is in essence an anarchist state in the middle of an American city, it…

4.) Mayoral Response

June 15, 2020 TTN Staff

The response from the city's leadership has been something equivalent to an endorsement. Jenny Durkan, the mayor of Seattle, stated that the anarchists inside of…

3.) Taking Over

June 15, 2020 TTN Staff

The CHAZ is in control of a police precinct. This raises many questions and should concern many. While this station was torn apart and ransacked…

2.) Warlord Raz

June 15, 2020 TTN Staff

Raz Simone is a rapper and activist, he has become the de facto leader and warlord of the area. Simone and his crew have been…

1.) Rapes and Robberies

June 15, 2020 TTN Staff

The Police Chief in Seattle, Washington, Carmen Best, came out on the verge of denouncing the CHAZ claiming that it was not her decision. Following…

5.) Retrials

June 12, 2020 TTN Staff

The group is also asking that every Person of Color get a retrial. This is regardless of the crime committed or any malfeasance suspected of…

4.) Abolishment of Prison

June 12, 2020 TTN Staff

The “citizens” of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone are requesting that all prisons need to be abolished. They are not asking for some prisons to…