Earlier in the day, it was reported that Trump was considering dismissing Alexander Vindman, the National Security Council member who testified against Trump in the impeachment hearings.
Vindman was expected to vacate his position at the end of the month but he was reportedly escorted off of White House premises today.
According to CNBC:
Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman, a National Security Council staffer whose testimony about President Donald Trump at House impeachment hearings angered the president, was escorted out of the White House on Friday, his lawyer said.
Hours earlier, Trump had said of Vindman, “I’m not happy with him.”
“Do you think I’m supposed to be happy with him?” Trump asked reporters. “I’m not.
Vindman’s lawyer, David Pressman, said, “There is no question in the mind of any American why this man’s job is over, why this country now has one less soldier serving it at the White House,” said.
The media and the left have tried to paint Vindman as a hero, but it remains unclear what his actual motives were.
The reason he was escorted out is that he was NOT a soldier and NOT an honorable man working in the military. He was a POLITICAL idealist who was attempting to lead a coup against the President of the USA, his commander-in-chief.
He actually deserved to be escorted to a large tree…..but after a trial. We now know what he was about when on overseas assignments when younger. The problem was that his CO instead of writing him up didn’t.