Trump’s Brother Joins Fight to Stop Rogue Niece

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons

President Trump’s brother Robert Trump has joined the fight against their niece to get her from violating an agreement she signed.

According to Fox News:

President Donald Trump’s brother, Robert Trump, has gone to court in an attempt to stop his niece Mary Trump from publishing a family tell-all book, multiple reports said Tuesday.

Mary Trump is the daughter of Fred Trump Jr., the president’s older brother, who died in 1981. Her book is titled “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.”

The motion, filed by Robert Trump’s lawyers, seeks an injunction to prevent Mary Trump and the publishing company from releasing the book. They argue that family members had signed a settlement agreement two decades ago related to the will of Donald Trump’s father, New York real estate developer Fred Trump. The agreement included a confidentially clause saying they would not “publish any account concerning the litigation or their relationship,” unless agreed upon by all parties.

“She’s not allowed to write a book,” Trump told Axios. “You know, when we settled with her and her brother, who I do have a good relationship with — she’s got a brother, Fred, who I do have a good relationship with, but when we settled, she has a total … signed a nondisclosure.”

The fight follows a legal battle with former National Security Adviser John Bolton, one which Trump lost.

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