NEW YORK — President Donald J. Trump likely finds the latest Gallup poll neither very special nor particularly beautiful. If it’s incredible, that’s because it’s incredibly alarming.
“In early May, Trump’s approval tied his personal best at 49 percent —
before it sank amid nationwide protests over racial injustice after the death of George Floyd,” Gallup’s Jeffrey M. Jones wrote about this survey of adults, released Monday. “Now his approval rating stands just three percentage points above his personal low of 35 percent registered on four separate occasions in 2017.”
Even more ominously, the last two presidents with approval below 40 percent this close to Election Day were George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter. And look what happened to them.
Given these grim numbers, and with just nine weeks before early voters pull the first levers, President Trump at once needs to focus like a bloodhound on winning a second term. The alternative is unthinkable — an addled Joe Biden weakly assenting to Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and their every unhinged, extreme, vindictive, far-Left fantasy.
The President needs to stop wasting precious time with Twitter messages about seemingly every petty controversy that arises. He already has a massive problem getting his important messages out, thanks to the Hate Trump Media, which constantly gnaw at him, like termites nibbling through the floorboards. Creating his own distractions makes it that much harder for Trump to get re-elected, an objective that has grown from an urgent priority to an existential imperative for the survival of America as we have known it.
The president recently wondered on Twitter if NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace would apologize over a two-week-old incident involving a noose-like garage-door closer discovered at Alabama’s Talladega Superspeedway.
Who cares? The President of the United States has far bigger cars to race, especially a fortnight after this flap ended with warm shows of support for Wallace, NASCAR’s sole black racer.
On Saturday, President Trump travels to Portsmouth, New Hampshire for a campaign rally. Energizing his base is vital. But with 91 percent of Republicans already supporting Trump, per Gallup, he cannot rise much above his near-deity status.
Trump needs to expand his base, pronto.
For every rally, he should do at least three events with independents, suburban women, and black voters. Trump should explain to black parents that he strongly backs school choice, while Biden sadistically promises to padlock charter schools. Trump should visit minority-owned companies that have grown through his Opportunity Zone program. He should introduce Americans to black former prisoners who have benefited from his First Step Act/criminal-justice reform and made something of themselves.
Trump repeatedly should visit Historically Black Colleges and Universities and explain how his robust support for those institutions boosts the educational and professional prospects for the black students who populate these campuses.
Conveniently enough, asking for black votes calms whites rattled by relentless, filthy media and Democrat lies about Trump’s alleged racism. Trump’s white support has fallen from 57 percent in May to 48 percent in June. Appealing to blacks also will boost Trump’s approval numbers among whites.
The President should offer a positive, optimistic vision of how his ideas will reverse COVID-19’s damage and make America great again, again. Trumponomics triumphed. Tax cuts, deregulation, energy independence, and other pro-market reforms can work their magic once more.
Finally, Trump must remember that he is not running against athletes, comedians, and pundits. He is running against an increasingly befogged Joe Biden, first elected 48 years ago. So, atop his own positive message, Trump must highlight Biden’s weaknesses, his shabby Senate record, the Obama-Biden Administration’s abundant failures, and the bonkers AOC/BLM/Antifa Left that will control Washington, if Biden wins.
President Trump should discuss these huge ideas, ignore sniping celebrities, and lock up his magic Twitter machine, save for major, upbeat announcements, such as bill signings, new treaties, and COVID-19 vaccine breakthroughs.
In short, a presidential re-election is a terrible thing to waste.
Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research.
Everything good and decent in this Country is under attack from the rabid Left! They are like cockroaches overrunning everything with their filth! How is the President responsible for the Pandemic we are dealing with and what could he have done himself to combat it when the Governors of the Blue States made such horribly wrong decisions??
Delroy is 100% right.
He is saying what 90% of Trump’s supporters are thinking.
Trump is his own worst enemy. The tweeting makes him like a petty grade school kid.
So wrong. President Trumps popularity is growing. People are more aware of the challenges, and see Trump being a real president, bot a hide in the basement Biden, or run and hide mittens, or a disappearing Hillary that was blindsided. Everyone is an expert on what President Trump should do. We want the real President Trump to stand up and be his real self. Refreshing change than that we are used to.
Deroy Murdock is not saying what I’m thinking so how would you know what 90% think?
Deroy is not 100% right because he is basing his arguments on polling, which in the past have proven themselves to be about 100% wrong. I do not always agree 100% with the President’s tweets, but I do understand 100% why he has to resort to them. If the media even partially did their job, then Trump would not need to be his own media outlet.
That’s BS,,,that’s not true at all….He does not speak for me
What is to be moderated on my comment? I didn’t say anything objectionable!
Your comment was great. I’m with you, and don’t need comments moderated. This is supposed to be like the phone company, and has legal protection. When they moderate they should lose that cover. I cancel sites that moderate comments.
Yes, I agree with the author’s comments. Our President must abandon this foolish twitter game against every crazy event that is not important to getting elected. Trump is my man and nothing is gonna change that, but he has to stop shooting himself in the foot and giving the ‘other side’ crazies ammunition. Quite frankly, I am worried.
The author is telling President Trump what to do? Like asking a plumber what a brain surgeon what to do. Get real.
Go over it & over & over again & still PLEASE, NOT BIDEN for president ! Is this how little you feel for our country ? People get real ! He’s just an ANGRY & lost more than half the time when he goes off the teleprompter or when it stops or slows down ! No one should be used this way anyway ! This is SERIOUS, WE THE PEOPLE don’t want nor need every good thing taken away after all these years of most other presidents making promises, BUT PROMISES NEVER KEPT ! Thank You President Trump for keeping your promises !
Spot on. You hit the nail on the head.
Murdock is spot-on, I just wish I knew some way to meaningfully help.
If the Democrat/socialist/communists win, they will certainly begin to disassemble the Christian church as they did during the height (depth) of their COVID-19 scare, driving the True Church underground.
One of their main tactics has been to put their enemies (anyone who doesn’t agree with them) on the defensive with a surge of lying, slanderous, accusations. While good people go on the defensive trying to refute these lies and save their reputations, the evil ones continue ahead with their agenda.
One of the tactics that made President Trump successful in 2016 was his constant offensive. Partly because he had such a great platform, and partly because he ignored the unhinged Democrat slander.
My little donations may help a little, along with yours, but our (grass-root, conservative Americans) biggest donation is to stand tall and loud. Arm ourselves with facts and go on the offense. Talk to our friends and neighbors, who will talk to theirs, in the city, suburbs, or countryside. No game was ever won on the defense. If you don’t score points, you can’t win. The best you can hope for is a tie, and this is not a race that we can afford to just tie. The leftist, Democrat terrorists need to be overcome and put back into their closet.
‘Polls’????? ANYONE with one working brain cell KNOWS that ‘polls’ are FAKE!!! POTUS Trump won by a LANDSLIDE (you CANNOT rig a LANDSLIDE) in 2016 and he will win by a MEGA LANDSLIDE in 2020!!
BUT…….the ONE THING Trump MUST DO is to STOP these so-called ‘MAIL-IN BALLOTS’ that LibTards are sending out to EVERYONE!! The LibTards CANNOT win an election without CHEATING!!! They TRIED in 2016…..and they WILL TRY HARDER in 2020!
Some excellent suggestions. If Mr Trump can get even 5-10% more support from the black community, the
Dem(on)s are finished!
I agree 100% Mr. Murdock. It is like you were in my head. But, not only does President Trump need to tout his successes, he needs to come up with an agenda that does not include crying about everything and everyone that doesn’t suit his likings. He has so many things going for him but he is not using them against Biden. He needs some new ideas also. He could promise to try and legalize marijuana that is already legal in half the states . This would result in releasing more people of color and help with gaining their vote. He could help out the elderly, who have continued to fall behind for years due to low to no SS increases to keep up with increased wages and prices, That would help regain the elderly vote that he is rapidly losing. He needs to tout a huge planned infrastructure that out does Biden. He needs to put forth some federal laws that would prevent recent police from happening in the future. All this being said, President would never listen to a commoner. He doesn’t listen to his own advisor’s and if he does, he needs some new ones.
I only vote for who I feel is the BEST PERSON for the JOB, and like 2016 I felt Trump was the person for the job and since then his job performance has exceeded my expectations , So he will get my vote again, 2020, Because who in their right mind would vote for biden or clinton ???/ pelosi schumer schiff nadler obama clinton , and we all know they are DOOMED MENTALLY .
Trump Train News, I suggest you go back to the previous way you handled your comment section. Since the change I have noticed a sharp decline in the number of posts, and have noticed many regular commenters are no longer posting. This is the recipe of pushing your outlet into extinction.
I agree with your comment. The comment section is not as fun now.