Trump Urges Police to Fight Back Against “Radical Left” Democrats

By The office of Public Advocate for the City of New York, via Wikimedia Commons

President Trump is urging law enforcement to push back against “radical left” Democrat officials.

According to The Daily Wire:

President Trump called on police to push back against “Radical Left politicians” amid a wave of anti-police sentiment among local leaders in some of the largest cities in the United States.

Trump accused local Democratic politicians of treating police officers “so badly” and “disrespectfully” on Monday morning. Local police budgets have been in the crosshairs of city officials in recent weeks as anti-police activists have gained momentum on a wave of racial justice protests.

City officials in places such as Minneapolis, New York City, and Los Angeles have taken steps to cut funding to or abolish their respective police forces after outcry over the death of George Floyd. Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died in police custody on Memorial Day after a Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeled on Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes.

Last week, Trump denied a request from Minnesota’s Democratic Gov. Tim Walz for $500 million in federal aid to rebuild communities in Minneapolis and St. Paul that were destroyed by rioters. Much of the damage to Minneapolis, the epicenter of national unrest, occurred after Democratic Mayor Jacob Frey ordered police to abandon a precinct that was subsequently razed by rioters.

President Trump has decided to be a voice for the movement against the radical left agendas in these big liberal cities.


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