Here Are The Lies Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris Told at Her FIRST Speech

2.) Trump’s Directive On Schools

“Just look where they have gotten us. . . . Millions of kids who cannot go back to school,”

This is another one of Kamala Harris’ points that is wrong from the get-go, the Federal government doesn’t even run the public school system. The idea here is that if Harris and Biden were in the White House schools would be reopening and the virus would be gone. This is the insane “la-la land” that these people live in, a completely separate dimension from the reality every other American lives in.

Even if the federal government ran public schools it would still be hit or miss as to whether or not kids could get back into school now. The virus is still very real, although measures taken by local and federal officials seem to be doing something, and it will really come down to parents to decide what they want to do when it comes to this issue. It is nice to think that the federal government could save the country on this particular issue but it is a decision many Americans would come to regret after removing the government from schools would be an impossibility afterword.