Rand Paul Slams Politicians Who Want To Give USPS More Money

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Kentucky Senator Rand Paul blasted his colleges who want to increase funding for the United States Postal Service(USPS). Paul pointed out that the USPS has lost roughly $78 billion in taxpayer money since 2007 and added that you might as well “burn” the money that you would be giving them. Paul would go on to express his distaste for the USPS and suggested that the problems with the orginization are unsolvable. More from the Daily Wire:

“You can’t run a business with 80 percent of your costs being labor, when your competitors have much lower costs,” Paul continued. “So, really, in the end, just giving money to the post office is giving money to an operation that lost $8 billion last year. So, giving them $10 billion, it’ll be gone within a year’s time. It’s a foolhardy notion. And, when they call it skinny, to me, it’s just Democrat-lite. And I didn’t run for office to be just slightly less bad than the Democrats.”

“The only way I’d give the post office any money would be to have a hiring freeze, and they would have to gradually lower their employment significantly,” Paul later added. “There’s a third less overall mail going through the post office in the last 14 years. They need to have a third less employees. A few years ago, they started, through attrition, mainly by letting the older employees not be replaced. They were getting smaller. But they’ve actually started growing again in the last year or two.”

“If you look at the costs, even though the numbers of employees haven’t gone up, the costs are still going through the roof because of the pension being so expensive. So, really, without a mandate to make it a smaller organization, you shouldn’t give them any money,” Paul said. “So, it’s sort of like when you do rescue a company that’s failing, they have to have reforms. Nobody comes in with venture capital and just says, ‘Hey, here’s a bucket of money. Keep losing money.’ They tell you, you have to change. So, it’s a real mistake to give the post office money unless they significantly reform their ways.”

While the race for 2020 continues, mail-in voting has become a key campaign issue that Republicans are looking to stop and Democrats are looking to push for. This issue has resulted in the politicization of the Post Office and more battles are sure to be fought on this ground in the coming weeks as election day draws closer and closer.


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