Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, is claiming that Trump will have a tremendous victory in 2020. Gingrich added that he is throwing the polls out and this massive victory is just “beginning to build” as the election swiftly approaches. More from The Daily Wire:
Gingrich, incidentally, made the same prediction almost exactly four years ago.
“I’m going to go out on a limb tonight and you can keep this tape and remind me about it after the election, OK? Donald Trump’s going to win,” Gingrich told Fox News on Aug. 19, 2016. “Donald Trump’s going to win because, in the end, the country is not going to reward big banks and big unions and big bureaucracies and big donors and big corruption by voting for a big liar. And in the end, the country is going to say, you know, whatever Trump’s weaknesses may be, he’s a sincere guy trying very hard to get this country back on the right track.”
As the Republican Party heads into its convention, Gingrich said the GOP needs only to point out their vast differences from Democrats to give Trump a good chance to win.
“We don’t have to want to make stuff up. We don’t have to invent some post office phony scandals. We just have to tell the truth about how radical these people are,” said Gingrich, who engineered the “Contract with America” Republican revolution of 1994.
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