Trump says up to “seven, eight, or nine” Middle Eastern nations may join in the historic peace agreement between Israel, United Arab Emirates, and the Kingdom of Bahrain known as the Abraham Accords. “We have many other countries joining us and they’re going to be joining us soon,” Trump said Tuesday regarding the peace deal.
These are who we think those nations could be:
These “page by page” stories are a time consuming nuisance. Can’t be bothered.
TTN has gone to the dogs …. R.I.P. people
THIS alone should give TRUMP the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, not to mention the many other Domestic things he has accomplished!
TRUMP 2020!
To think his predecessor is still hanging on to his NPP for having done nothing to deserve it does take away some of the sheen and aura. What a thick skin indeed!
Indeed it should. He is actually nominated for two separate NPPs, and deserves them both and then some.
One page at at time is absurd. I can Google it and get the entire story without this crap.
Sudan and Morocco are on opposite sides of Africa, Morocco on the west, Sudan on the east.
Not entirely on the west side, but Morocco is on the west ‘end’ of the Mediterranean Sea directly south of Spain
Awesome 9 nations vs those whove signed now wow.
Must get NPP for sure X9