Trump Beginning to Make Good on His Promise to Hillary From 2016

White House [Public Domain]

Trump announced that he will declassify all documents related to the Russia investigation as well as the Hillary Clinton email scandal. The President has referred to the investigation as the “single greatest political crime in American history.” In a string of tweets sent on Tuesday, the President promised to make good on his promise to expose Clinton and all of her dirty political tricks. John Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence has already begun to release the declassified documents.

TTN reported on the declassified information that implicated Hillary as the mastermind of the Russia Hoax. [READ NEXT: Newly Declassified Docs Suggest Russia Hoax Was Hillary’s Idea and Obama-Biden Knew]

According to the Daily Wire:

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified documents on Tuesday showing that former CIA Director John Brennan briefed former President Barack Obama about the plan that Hillary Clinton allegedly approved to smear then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia as a way of distracting from her email scandal.

“Ratcliffe declassified Brennan’s handwritten notes – which were taken after he briefed Obama on the intelligence the CIA received – and a CIA memo, which revealed that officials referred the matter to the FBI for potential investigative action,” Fox News reported. “That referral was sent to then-FBI Director James Comey and then-Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok.”

A source that was familiar with the documents told Fox News that, despite claims from the media and Democrats, the information was not “Russian disinformation,” and the fact that Brennan reportedly briefed Obama on it is a sign that it was serious.

“This is not Russian disinformation. Even Brennan knew, or he wouldn’t be briefing the president of the United States on it,” the source said. “There is a high threshold to orally brief the president of the United States and he clearly felt this met that threshold.”

The development sparked intense debate between Republicans and Democrats. While Trump supporters praised him for declassifying the documents, Democrats brushed off the news, Hillary Clinton’s spokesperson even called it “baseless bullsh–.” Former Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, and former CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden had an intense exchange on Twitter after Grenell posted that the documents provide “proof” that the Obama-Biden administration used their powers to attack the Trump campaign.

Hayden, a known Biden supporter, stooped low and replied to Grenell’s comments by saying, “you’re and a–hole. Really.”

According to Fox News:

Charlie Kirk, the co-founder of Turning Point USA, tweeted, “Let me get this straight: Hillary Clinton planned, financed, and executed the Russian hoax. The intel agencies knew about & briefed Obama on it…and no one seems to care. Where is Adam Schiff? Where is Rachel Maddow? This is a bombshell and they’re completely ignoring it.”

Mark Levin, the host of “Life, Liberty & Levin,” tweeted out the same Fox News link, and said, “Caught red handed! This is big! Way back on March 2, 2017, I said Obama had to know.”


Garrett M. Graff, the director of Aspen Institute’s Cybersecurity Program, appeared to mock the president’s announcement and seemed to poke fun at the president’s mental state after receiving treatment for coronavirus, which included the steroid dexamethasone. He asked if Trump’s decision was based on “steroid-induced rage.”

Andrew S. Weiss, the James Family Chair and vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment, called the developments “total national security malpractice.”

As the declassified documents continue to be released to the public more and more Democrats can expect to be exposed for the hypocrites they truly are.

Yesterday we reported on the story that prompted the declassification from President Trump which found CIA director John Brennan wrote in his own words about briefing President Obama on reports that Hillary was behind the hoax. It also showed that the report was forwarded to FBI leaders James Comey and Peter Strzok. [READ NEXT: Newly Declassified Docs Prove Obama was Briefed on Hillary’s Collusion Plan]

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