Nebraska Republican Senator, Ben Sasse made some scathing remarks about President Trump during a call to constituents. In the town hall call, the Senator openly criticized Trump’s handling of Coronavirus, his foreign policy decisions, and his “deficient” values. Senator Sasse predicts a Biden win in November saying, “we are staring down the barrel of a blue tsunami.”
The GOP Senator has been critical of Trump ever since he announced his plans to run for President. Sasse refused to vote for Trump in 2016, even comparing him to KKK leader David Duke. Over the past years, it seemed that Sasse has at least achieved a “working relationship” with the President, even gaining his much-needed endorsement for re-election but now it appears that has gone out the window.
In an article from the New York Times:
Mr. Sasse also hinted at more drastic consequences: a “Venezuela style” Supreme Court with dozens of justices installed by ascendant Democrats; an empowered China ruling the Pacific because of Mr. Trump’s “weak” policies; and American allies doubting whether they can “trust in U.S. strength and U.S. will.”
He argued that Mr. Trump had “careened from curb to curb” as he sought to respond to a pandemic that has claimed more than 217,000 American lives this year.
“He refused to treat it seriously,” Mr. Sasse said. “For months, he treated it like a news-cycle-by-news-cycle P.R. crisis.”
He continued: “The United States now regularly sells out our allies under his leadership, the way he treats women, spends like a drunken sailor.”
The Nebraskan Senator kept the insults coming even claiming the President “mock evangelicals behind closed doors.” Sasse predicted that all of Trump’s actions will have lasting negative effects on the Republican party. He alleged that young voters and women could be permanently lost to the Republican party because they’ve been “repulsed by the obsessive nature of our politics.”
Senator Sasse: I don’t understand how a non-visionary individual like you could be elected to the Senate of the United States. This election is simple to understand: you are either for socialist principles or capitalist principles; you are either with further helping China in its conquest to dominate the world or you are willing to fight communist aggression. You only concentrate in emotional issues like hating President Trump’s candor and personality. Thank God for this non-politician, industrialist individual. You have no gravitas!
Dr. Luis R. Lizardi
There are 3 letters in the senator last name that seem telling.
He is a big ASS.
I like that.
That’s a good one!….LOL
In 2021 Sasse will be the Senator from Kansas.
In 2021 Trump will be President, for 20 days.
That’s a crazy comment, you’ve got to explain it, sounds like Biden said it!
So agree!
I was thinking the same. Thanks for posting.
Sassy Is A Real J.A. Grow Up, Trump Has Done A Better Job With Virus Than Anyone Else Could Have. Trump 2020.
THE NEW MCCAIN type IDIOT ….What has he done???? NOTHING !! What is he worth as a Senator?? NOTHING !!!
you are correct and that is why he hopes to be able to lick Bidens boots or maybe a little higher up
Trump’s boots will not be there.
You are SO wrong, I’m expecting a landslide win for ALL republicans!!!!!
There will be a landslide if the cheating can be kept in check. I voted early today (solid red) in my North Carolina county and the lines were long (never have seen that in early voting) and everybody seemed to be voting red. Plus, I learned that over 300 people had registered to vote that have never voted before. I am sure my county will be red (but then it usually is.)
I think S-ASS-e is kissing Biden’s behind !
His worth is as an example of how a liberal can fool people. when a Democrat runs as a Republican against another Democrat, they make sure a Democrat wins. Voters then have no real choice.
Kinda like voting for Biden and getting Kamala Harris….pathetic
Ben Sasse should take his holier than thou attitude and exit the Republican party asap. We have enough problems with ‘never Trumpers. If his idea of America is the Squad and Marxist/BLM/Antifa mobs then he should have at it. If the sound of rioting and fire bombs going off in liberal cities is music to his tender ears then he should hand in his republican voting registration because there is a war coming for the soul of America and I sure as heck wouldn’t want to be in a foxhole with a Ben Sasse.
Thank you Dr. Luis R. Lizardi–VERT well said. Forest and Cathy
Kansas is a very Conservative state, Sasse will win reelection.
Trump will not, Kansas is a very Conservative state, Trump is not.
Hello, numbnuts, you mean these hundreds of appointed judges aren’t conservative? And the fight for religious liberty, the right to life, and a border wall are not conservative notions?
Do you think that my posts will convince anyone to vote for Trump?
Do you think my posts might convince some people to not vote for Trump?
Is numnits Conservative think?
Or just low grade moron name calling babble?
You are such an idiot. I try to not read your posts because of that fact. But keep it up. It is A holes like you that keep the tide turning toward OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!!
He is from Nebraska you idiot…not Kansas. Trump will win 2020 election in spite of you traitors…please withdraw yourself from the party and join the rest of the socialist…we don’t want you with us.
Albert ASS is from Nebraska you dumb f**k!!!
Well said Luis! This election is about policy, NOT PERSONALITIES!! WTFU PEOPLE!
He’s a POS, what do you expect!
Those who voted for him are asking the same question. Nebraskans are not happy. He’ll get reelected this year, but, after that, it will be up for grabs. This is the second time he’s pulled this kind of stunt.
What a POS.
the very scary thing is that there are so many like him
The really scary part is that the majority of ‘Republicans’ are just like him
Don’t know how it is that you seem to know everything, but I can tell you for a fact that you have NC figured out all wrong. We are red and proud of the policies that we support. Myself, I am Pro Life, and this is my #1 reason for voting red, but that is only one of the many reasons.
The really scary thing is that the majority of lifelong Republicans are just like him.
Again – idiotic.
I’m was a democrat that saw the light, I’ll never vote for any democrat/socialist again, they support riots, arsonists, thugs, thieves, murderers, and killing of babies, and they are trying to destroy America!!!!! VOTE 100% REPUBLICAN !!!!!
I was a Democrat for a long time, however, when Obama ran for office promising everyone the moon I changed to the Republican party. I even voted for McCain even though I didn’t like him and still don’t. I couldn’t align myself with Obama’s ideology. I will be voting for Trump. People you have two choices. Biden/Socialism or Trump/Freedoms under Constitution.
The Jealous and hateful are quick to say whatever ugly things they can about anyone that they dislike — at present, it’s often Pres. Trump! The more they dislike the person, the uglier their remarks! The best is to ignore them as nothing that the say or scribble on walls is worth looking at!
To late I’ve already gone there.
Typical fool who thinks politicians know best. What a disappointment to listen as a unknown senator make disparaging comments.
Senator Sasse, I have been reading what you are saying about our President, and I feel that you are upset by his not giving attention to you for something you said or want to do. Your arguments against him, do not “hold water” and I feel it is anger over something you’re mad about that is making you act the way you are. What a shame!
Plus his immaturity!
Ya know Trump carried Nebraska by almost 60% of the vote in 2016….if Ben Sasse has ANYBODY running against him that was not a democrat he would lose……HATE TO HAVE A RINO LIKE SASSE in any elected office but he appears to be the only thing between giving it to a democrat and I don’t want that no matter how much I despise Sasse…..Maybe next time Nebraska can find SOMEBODY to replace this RINO on the Republican ticket .
An overgrown child who has no business being a member of the Party of Grownups.
He grew up a Republican.
Trump grew up as a Democrat.
Sasse is no republican.
Trump got wise, as did I. For many years, I was a registered democrat and then realized the party that I once belonged to does no longer exist. Kennedy would turn over in his grave if he could know what has happened to the democrat party.
The party of grown ups elected him with 64% of the vote last time out.
Trump got 59%
In 2021 Saase will be a Senator from Nebraska.
Trump will be enjoying being a snowbird and Florida’s low taxes.
And Nebraska calls this guy a republican. I think they should vote a real republican in before its to late.
Thanks Senator Sasse, hope you and Senator Romney enjoy retirement together, when you both loose your seats. You and Senator Romney are the largest RINO’S in the jungle swamp!
Mr. Sasse can say whatever he likes — after all, America is a country where freedom of speech is valued! However, insults and crude talk aren’t usually part of freedom of speech!
Senator Sasse, why don’t you just go kiss Pelosi and Schumers ass because it sure sounds like you prefer to live in a socialist country. You believe all their lies, and support the blm burning, looting and killing is that what you support. President Trump has done more for this country than any other president. Obama tore the country apart and Trump has fixed all his mistakes. So Sasse get off your high horse and get the hell out of the senate and move to china they would shut you up in a heart beat.
You are toast Ben, start looking for a new job.
Where is the video?
Senator Sasse, I would say you are not a Republican or Conservative with the remarks you made. I also think you might be a closet democrat. Unless you can prove the things you said you don’t need to say them it not only hurts you but millions of people. I sincerely hope if you win a seat again it will not be as a Republican.
Sarah if he keeps spouting his RINO BS I don’t want him getting ANY seat in Nebraska again..that includes the Democrat seat. Would be really sad to see a super Conservative state like Nebraska, my birthplace, get turned into a liberal bastion of left wing loons.never, ever, I hope in my lifetime.
Another John McCain.
You are what you say and do. We have been allowing people to say they are Rtepublican for years so they can get elected. Then they eat, sleep, and vote with the Democrats. If you lie and slander like a Democrat, you’re a Democrat – own it!!
Trump called himself a Democrat for decades.
A non sequitur.
Senator Sissy has just outed himself as a leftist operator set to go off just before elections,Nebraska do your job and remove this traitor at the nearest opportunity.
To the people of Nebraska: HOW did you elect this moron to the US Senate???
Please get his ignorant, worthless butt out of office, ASAP. Do you have recall
in Nebraska? We do not have that option in The Peoples Democratic Republic of Minnesota. If you have it, use it – now!
Sass is looking like he’s campaigning for a job at CNN. He vomits democrat talking points like a mindless democrat voter. What happened to him, he’s saying things that there’s absolutely no proof of.
Sasse is a low life POS RINO. With all of
the proof coming out about TRAITOROUS
BIDEN and this low life starts in perhaps
the spotlight should shine on him.
We have enough Romneys.
Ben Sasse is a Neo-Con & Never-Trumper from the outset. His civics lesson display at the Barrett hearings was a perfect example of how demonstratively “elite & priviledged” that he feels he is. His disdain for The President should be reciprocated by the Huskers and replace him in 2022. He is potential Jezebel everyday he shows up in the Senate !! GET RID OF HIM ASAP !!!!
Ease had to be a complete ASS
Mr. Sasse is similar to many RINO’s. No solutions just follow a path of a war here a war there a war everywhere. You will never receive a Noble Peace Prize nomination and that is a good thing…. President Trump is recognized as a World Leader seeking peace where ever possible… Mr. Sasse is a crony but necessary evil to keep the majority in the Senate. False rumors may be a political tool of cronies but there will be no reward for such evil behavior. God Bless President Trump and His Family and The United States of America. An hopefully another term for President Trump will leave several more years of prosperity for the USA that He fostered before the Pandemic… His actions have brought Covid-19. the Biden China Virus to the brink of defeat with therapeutics and vaccines no one else could accomplished. Biden and Mr. Sasse would foster unending death and disaster from the virus… so usless criticism by You Mr. Sasse.
Wh at in hell is wrong with these assholes?! Does this idiot want the green deal, open borders, higher taxes, abortions Etc? Damn you!
Maybe he is just trying to get closer to AOC, he sounds a lot like her.
And you expected what from a RINO?
When folks desert God their brains deteriorate and they become obsessed with evil. That is when they prefer Democrat policy to sane and sensible policy. They are mentally and morally sick. They are Slaves Without Chains, ruled by other men’s brains. Se Slaves Without Chains by Hardee. B08GG2RMTV
sadly so true we have turned away from God we cannot expect Him to turn to us
First let me state that I have never heard about you until now when you made remarks about my President. I think you needed him to help you get reelected because you are a do nothing leech. What action would you take toward eliminating the cause of this statement…This resulted in 11.2 deaths per 100,000 people. Seems like this is being edited as I type so I will stop.
Nebraska should be ashamed to call this butt a senator of their state
Sasse like Assie! That is what you are! A lying sniveling snake!
I wonder who’s paying him off. It’s seems that he’s somebody’s tool.
Seems Sasse is the one careening ‘curb to curb’ as he’ll say whatever he thinks will get his own self supported. Monday morning quarter-backs ignoring that they did NOTHING that was helpful at the beginning of this scourge from China.
Sasse is a Flippin’ ABOMINATION!!! His COLORS are showing and hope NEBRASKAN’S will wakeup and NOT re-elect your sorry A** next time around !!!!
You are a disgrace to the Republican Party. I’m positive the people will not vote for you again. You are a true Rhino.
I know I won’t.
Nebraska and Kansas are barely republican.
And this nut job is a republican??? By no means is he a Republican but a CUMBORAT IN A RINO SUIT!
As the saying goes: Ugly is as Ugly does! In this case, it is REALLY Ugly! ‘Senator’ Sasse, would you have rathered Pres. Trump announced to the country and the world that this Corona virus was the deadliest threat this country has faced yet — thereby throwing the entire country into an instant panic??? If so, YOU have NO IDEA what such a panic would have done to this country (not to mention the stock market and the WORLD economy)!!! President Trump did the only RESPONSIBLE thing he COULD do at the moment!!! If you are not intelligent enough to see and underdstand that, you have my sympathy and pity, but definitly NOT my respect! Your comments only serve to expose your ignorance!!!
SASSE os nothing but an UNHINGED DEMOCRAT pretending to be a RINO BASTRD
Must be trying to out-Mittens, Mittens…
He’s in the camp of Romney, Paul Ryan and the like… weak GOP which is whey we love Trump! This isn’t a Mr. Congeniality contest! And this entire virus is a virus, kill the Flu first then I’ll trust science. Better yet, cure Cancer.
Love your comment! Never thought of it like that, how obvious.
Sen, Sasse is truly the 1st RINO TDS Flibertyjibet.
His TDS demands he indermine hisown party and undermine confidence in the GOP its as if back room GOP leftist have a gun to his head.
Nebraska needs to replace this guy. Only time I here about him is when he doesnt have anything good to say. What has he done to help Nebraska or the nation?
Time to blackball him from the party. He is a committed progressive Democrat running in a Republican state. Next election pick a great candidate and attack his progressive support of Democrats and attacks on Republicans.
The next election outcome is a given, Sasse is running essentially unopposed.
You will most likely have Sasse in Senate for the next 6 years.
Trump will in Washington for a shorter period of time.
It is beginning to like much shorter.
Will Sasse attend Biden’s inauguration?
The confounding thing is that in some areas Sasse is far more of a Conservative than Trump, abortion for instance.
And when it comes to Russia: In January 2019, Sasse was one of eleven Republican senators to vote to advance legislation intended to block President Trump’s intent to lift sanctions against three Russian companies.[54]
Sasse has said, “He mocks evangelicals behind closed doors.” On this is Sasse a liar?
Vote a demobrat in and it will be the last barrel we look down tsunami or otherwise
Sorry Mr Sasse you just went in the shitter to me. You are part of the problem, not the solution.
This is what happens when you vote early, as I did. I voted for Sasse because the President and republican party need to keep the Senate majority. I knew he and the President did not always see eye to eye but I had no idea that Senator Sasse felt anything like the statement he just made. I wonder how many people in my state knew he felt this way. I am so very, very, very disappointed in my Senator. Because we need to keep the Senate, I do not know, right now, if I would vote differently, knowing what I know now though it would be hard to vote for him. How did I not see this before now, my bad, my bad.
Sasse, weak foreign policies, that’s a joke. Maybe you should just officially say you are a Democrat and despise the strong polices of President Trump and the U.S. strength.
We are over our quota already on Rinos. Mr. Sasse, it’s time for you to go. Your occasional few common sense remarks are not enough to qualify you as a loyal Republican and certainly not a Conservative. We don’t need another Romney or McCain, thanks anyway. You are not a fighter and do not really care about maintaining our freedoms. You’re playing footsie with democrats, so you may be more comfortable there. I used to think you were one of the best senators. No more.
With “Republicans” like this idiot who needs Democrats What a total sell out not one thing he said is real I expect he believes Biden will win and he wants to be first in line for whatever crumbs he can get out them with open borders there will not be many crumbs Believe me any money in the till will be sucked up by Biden Harris and their cronies ?Within two years America will not be recognizable
He is a jerk rino
Sasse turned out to be a self absorbed piece of work, didn’t he? He usually speaks so eloquently when he thinks he will have good press. Now we know what a backstabber he really is….gone is any respect for his eloquence, which is like perfume on a p-g. President Trump hasn’t followed the same old playbook, but he has had good results in many areas of foreign policy; changing up with a new negotiating style has paid off in the Middle East, garnered more money from the EU countries, restored the military and so much more. He has done it without the help of many in his own party, with nothing from the Democrats. God forbid if the Democrats get in power before he has done his next good works. As far as the pandemic goes, he did a great job……new therapeutics, vaccines coming fast,……………..and to boot, he is and will continue to bring manufacturing back to this country, which provides more jobs for all of us.
Mr. Sasse, you have a job and probably will charm yourself into not losing it, but the rest of Americans need Donald Trump to build back business. Open your eyes Mr. Sasse, you don’t need Trump, we do.
What’s the matter Sasse, not enough attention bestowed on YOU? Get over it! It’s a PRESIDENTIAL election. When you run for president, all eyes will be on you. Till then, wait your turn.
Will Trump get more votes than Sasse in Nebraska?
I guess this Assee never played Team sports.
Just another weenie turncoat RINO.
Why don’t these losers have the guts to quit the Party?
Sasse is a team player.
He is on the Republican team
It is Trump who is the weenie turncoat.
I Remember When America Was Great.
Trump was proud patriotic Democrat.
Sasse’s dad was a reasonably successful football coach.
Sasse was a middling high school player but chose to not pursue it as an adult.
What team sports has Trump excelled in?
Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “…the difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits…”. You, moron, are evidence of the accuracy of his words.
They are probably getting paid, under the table, to protect the Dems.
Senator Sasse seems to be a liberal who pretends to be a Republican which shows his lack of honesty.
Awaiting for approval
I guess this Assee never played Team sports.
Just another weenie turncoat RINO.
Why don’t these losers have the guts to quit the Party?
All of these stinking platforms are against free speech. They are bastards of the first magnitude.
Sasse needs to drop the first and last letters of his name because that is what he is.
He alleged that young voters and women could be permanently lost to the Republican party because they’ve been “repulsed by the obsessive nature of our politics.”/quote by RINO Senator Sasse.
Here’s one woman that’s not repulsed by President Trump..How dare HE (Ben Sissy Sasse) demean women into emotional, weak creatures! Our balls are bigger than yours, so grow some Sissy Sasse,,If you think that you’re presidential material, you’re not ever getting my vote and I’ve been voting a straight Republican ticket for over 30 years.
Eff you, sasse…you even LOOK like jeff flake.
Trump 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 He is draining the swamp!
Sassse is a RINO and a low life scum bag.
Ben Sasse- surely Nebraska can do better.
Sorry Sasse, ya got nothing but mouth. And that is overloading your ass.
Mr. Sasse…you are in fact another RINO. Please know that we voters see through your lies and BS…you’ve exposed yourself once again. Next election, you’re out!
Sasse you no-good sob, when the civil war begins, look at your sorry self in the mirror and know that you helped start it!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to his courageous leadership the five states who elected Trump with the highest percentage of the votes now have the highest Covid-19 infection rates.
Hess, isn’t that a Nazi name?
I’m guessing that those 5 states knew that there is no disease that is worse than Communism. You are either one, or extremely ignorant.
Sasse is a RINO and should be thrown out of the Republican Party !
Oh no, Twump’s a meanie! I’m so butthurt. There’s nothing as negative and with as longlasting consequences to the fairer sex and children than actually abusing children! That’s what the DEM party has become.
Unfortunately the Republican Party is stuck with some fools who would rather see the country destroyed by the Democrat party agenda than to help America, because they personally hate the president. Now this idiot did not hate President Trump until the day he got elected – something to think about. What is interesting is that 95% of the people who hate President Trump did not hate him before he was elected. It was only after President Trump was elected that Democrats and their supporters were inculcated into hating Trump – a propaganda tactic used in Germany in the 30s and 40s – their hatred was of the Jews the Democrats hatred is that President Trump because he kick the daylights out of crooked, perfidious Hillary Clinton. The other part of their hatred was based on the fact that President Trump would expose the illegal, illicit activities of the Deep State which has proven to include the CIA, DOJ, and our venerable FBI. It’s all coming to light now, but we’ve all had exposure to this treachery by the Democrats crooked impeachment process which was based on lies, deceit, duplicity, and the Machiavellian (fake) Russian dossier.
Too much censoring on this site, going looking for the unsubscribe.
Sasse-frass has turned out to be the “Second Coming” of Jeff Flake. Both of them are good examples of what is wrong with politicians. No loyalty, no ethics and no values.
I guess that does make him a Democrat now doesn’t it.
RHINO !!!!!!
Senator Sasse….you are WRONG. People like you in this Country have become so stupidly poltically correct that it has caused a derangement epidemic. You need to forget all your politically correct nonsense. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with stating an opinion and/or fact in plain and simple terms. Political correctness was adopted by Liberal Politicians in order to keep people from actually calling them and their lies out. WE Americans want the “TRUTH” and yes, contrary to what Jack Nicholson said in a Movie…We CAN Handle the Truth…and in fact…DEMAND it !! Take your poor wittle hurt feelings and throw them in the garbage!!! Or better yet…just get the hell out of Politics.
Do these young dudes think they could do better. Wake up and smell the roses. You are just a young punk and not dry beind the ears yet. Maybe you will learn something before you retire.
WTF is this RINO and WHY should anyone care what he thinks??? He was wrong in 2016 and he’s even more wrong in 2020!
I’m sick of the spineless Republicans I read a article yesterday that said the Republicans are waging war on Facebook and Twitter and I thought why now where the hell have they been for the past 3 1/2 years and now they crawl out of the Swamp and want to fight, I truly believe people have gone insane
It’s easy to see this man cares nothing for our country or it’s people. Sasse, you are a traitor.
This guy is either a moron or has been bought.
President Trump reversed himself, approving wildfire aid for California shortly after his administration rejected the state’s request for help.
Friday, October 16, 2020 5:04 PM EST
Sasse has to be a complete ASS
Sasse sounds like a sissy, who didn’t get his way!
From California, never voted for a Democrat in my life. Went to Omaha last year for training, wished I had to spend there loved it , not sure why they keep electing him.
Mr. Senator, I believe it’s time you went home and allowed the citizens of Nebraska the chance to send a REAL conservative to Washington DC. And while you’re leaving your Senate office, don’t let the door hit you in the butt.
I call BS on this article! When did TTN start republishing BullShit articles from the new York Slimes! I am going to unsubscribe from TTN!
What a worthless,rino,pos. We must make sure this spineless,jerk, is voted out, when ever his term is up.
We need these two turds, Sasse and Romney, like we need cancer. Why don’t they go to the Dimm?
If anyone believes this RANCOR coming from Mr. Sasse to the President, they must understand that this is not new. Sasse has constantly denigrated the President from the outset! Sasse needs to take a page from his Governors book. When asked about statements made by this “Imp” the Governor cleverly pointed out “ALL” the gains of the President and the Country. Mr. Sasse needs to register with the Democrats because his views, as you can see are clearly synchronous with the Marxists.
Has anyone mentioned that sissy-Sasse will be running on the 2024 ticket for the presidency?
Mr. sASSe
I am from NE and we did not have anyone as stupid as you in my years of living there. I would hope those living there now will not be putting up with you after your next election. I would also like to ask you, mr. sASSe, do you understand HIND SIGHT? That is all you can base your remarks on.
Nebraska is a solid constitutional state. How the hell did this Liberal S-ASS-E get elected as a Republican. I request that the National Republican Governing Board investigate the Nebraska Republican party to fond out if they are truly republican or just a bunch of liberals dressed up to look like Republicans! Remember the Liberal fungus infects every thing that it can.
I hope this guy isn’t counting on any Republican votes when he tries his run for President. Well he might get Romney’s vote, Both are losers.
I’ll bet the “N” on Senator Sasse’s shirt stands for “naledge.”
Ladies and Gentlemen, It is very clear that Ben Sasse is being bought and paid off. Somebody has promised him a lot of money to clearly speak that way NOW. In the past he has fought for Trumps policies and all of a sudden changes his tune???? It’s clear he is now being paid off….. What other explanation is there????
He needs his a- – kicked. A real scumbag
ether it’s negative or Sasse is looking for attention again and he doesn’t seem to care
wether it is negative or not. He sounds like a democrat having a temper tantrum.
I don’t know how well his home State of Nebraska knows him but he has maintained an extremely low national profile. Not surprising as he seems to be a rather dim bulb. Everything he said would be more accurately ascribed to the last administration. He is about ten years late.