CNN’s Brian Stelter Thinks This is Why Businesses are Boarding Up

By nrkbeta (Rather, Tur, Dowd & Stelter @ SXSW 2017) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

CNN’s Brian Stelter is known for his interesting political takes, but this could be one of his craziest yet.

The CNN anchor thinks that businesses are boarding up before the election is because of President Trump and the doubts he is casting about the potential results.

According to Town Hall:

“Is this what members of the media are privately worried about? We talk about unrest, buildings in Downtown DC being boarded up. Is it fundamentally because the president himself is attacking the election?” Stelter asked.

Glasser said she’s never seen a time where more Americans are concerned about election integrity than they are this cycle.

“We’re in a situation where journalists, a broad swath of the American public, doesn’t trust in what the election outcome is going to be on Tuesday night, doesn’t trust that our system, fundamentally, is going to hold up and that has been a purposeful strategy of the President of the United States,” Glasser explained. “… We’ve never had a president that’s been willing to attack the legitimacy of our institutions of American democracy this way before and he has not been condemned by his party.”

Businesses aren’t fearful of former Vice President Joe Biden winning. They’re fearful of him losing. Just look at what has taken place over the last six to seven months. Violent BLM protestors – those who associate themselves with Joe Biden and the Democrats – have rioted and looted cities all across America. Kenosha, Minneapolis, Lancaster, Atlanta – the list goes on and on.

Stelter also mentioned “possible” liberal protests even though it is almost a foregone conclusion that the liberals will not only protest they will riot.


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