Anti-Trump Comments made by PA Secretary of State Resurface

Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar (HANDOUT/OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR)

Pennsylvania Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar is overseeing the vote count in the Keystone State and she is no friend to President Trump. An anti-Trump tweet made by Boockvar has resurfaced, in 2017 she said, “Using the title ‘President’ before the word ‘Trump’ really demeans the office of the presidency…”

In a report from Townhall:

At issue at the moment is how the state is handling ballots that arrived after polls closed on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Republican lawmakers accused Boockvar of sending county officials “confusing” guidance on how to proceed and called on her to resign.

Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani declared in Philadelphia on Wednesday that they’re taking the state to court, because they see no reason why officials haven’t called the race for the incumbent. With 86 percent of precincts reported, Trump was ahead by about 400,000 votes. The campaign said they’ll be suing the state “to temporarily halt counting until there is meaningful transparency and Republicans can ensure all counting is done above board and by the law.”

Tainted leadership appears to be the norm in Keystone State at the moment. Earlier this week the state Attorney General Josh Shapiro predicted that President Trump was going to lose Pennsylvania even before any of the votes had been counted. Critics, including Republican candidate for Pennsylvania Attorney General Heather Heidelbaugh, demanded that he too step down and let a more bipartisan figure handle the counts.

“That means that Josh Shapiro cannot be seen as having his thumb on the scale, acting in the dual roles of legal arbiter of the vote and a candidate deeply invested in its outcome,” she said.

Pennsylvania is a key state that Trump must win to secure the 270 electoral votes needed to win re-election, there have been multiple reports of voter fraud and suspicious activity surrounding ballot counting in the state. This morning the Trump campaign revealed plans to sue multiple states regarding ballot counting measures. The states include Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and Michigan.

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