‘Back to the Drawing Board’: GOP Senator Says Biden’s OMB Pick Has No Chance

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden has revealed Neera Tanden as his choice to head the White House Office of Management and Budget for the incoming Biden administration. Biden selected the president of The Center for American Progress and a close friend and supporter of Hillary Clinton to serve in the office.

The choice has attracted harsh criticism from both sides of the aisle however, no critic has yet been as harsh as Republican Senator Tom Cotton. The Arkansas Senator says Tanden has zero chance of being confirmed by the Senate and is advising Biden to find another choice.

Fox News reports:

“The problem with Neera Tanden is not so much her tweets, it’s her radical liberal ideas,” the Arkansas Republican told “Fox & Friends.”

“This is a woman who wants Congress to hold up coronavirus relief for the American people so we can give checks to illegal immigrants. There is no chance Neera Tanden will be confirmed. She might as well step aside, or, Joe Biden might as well withdraw her and go back to the drawing board,” Cotton said.

Since the election appeared to swing in favor of Democrats Biden and his supporters have been pushing for unity despite calling Trump supporters and Republicans every dirty name in the book for the past four years. The message doesn’t bode well for Tanden who has never been shy to attack Republicans on Twitter, the very same Republicans she would need votes from in the Senate to achieve her desired position.

Despite Tandens best efforts to clear up her Twitter feed-she has reportedly deleted over 1,000 tweets she hasn’t been able to escape her past. A tweet from 2017 has resurfaced where she twisted Michelle Obama’s catchphrase “when they go low we go high” instead Tanden tweeted, “One important lesson is that when they go low, going high doesn’t f**king work.”

“One important lesson is that when they go low, going high doesn’t f**king work,” Tanden said.

Michelle Obama coined the phrase during the 2016 presidential campaign in response to then-presidential candidate Donald Trump’s personal insults against Hillary Clinton, the media and many others.

Do you think Tanden has any chance of being voted to the OMB position? Tell us what you think in the comments below.


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