McConnell, Top Republicans Officially Recognize Joe Biden as President-elect

Gage Skidmore Flickr

Yesterday, Joe Biden officially won the 270 Electoral College votes necessary to become President of the United States. Now that Biden’s victory has been confirmed top Republican senators are officially recognizing the Democrat as President-elect nearly six weeks after Election Day. Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell signaled the move forward as he congratulated the President-elect on the Senate floor.

Mitch McConnell addressed the Senate regarding Biden’s victory saying, “The Electoral College has spoken, so today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden. The president-elect is no stranger to the Senate. He’s devoted himself to public service for many years.”

Fox News reported:

Other Republicans also jumped on the congratulatory bandwagon after electors confirmed results.

“At some point, you have to face the music,” Sen. John Thune of South Dakota told the Associated Press Monday. “Once the Electoral College settles the issue today, it’s time for everybody to move on.”

Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri, chairman of the inaugural committee, said the panel will now “deal with Vice President Biden as the president-elect.”

“That’s sort of the nature of these elections. You got to have a winner. You got to have a loser,” Cornyn told the AP, adding that once Trump’s legal arguments are exhausted, “Joe Biden’s on a path to be president of the United States.”

Other Republicans are devoted to keep fighting for the election until January 6 when Congress will convene to vote to accept the Electoral College’s results. President Trump has not conceded the election to Joe Biden and appears to have no intention of doing so. Since Election Day President Trump has adamantly claimed the election was affected by widespread voter fraud and mail-in voting concerns.

        1. albert is our resident troll , he will get to do all the dishes and house cleaning stuff when the truth comes out and demonrat party head quarters is full of tumble weeds ,dust ,wind ,and some guy whistling a complex little tune [ good bad and ugly ]

      1. Nah, being the white german that you are….
        it’s in your blood to roll over and surrender to anything & everything….
        You hate everything Trump because you’ve never seen a white guy fight back….. LOL

      2. Why haven’t you been banned from all forms of social media? Albert Hess was a NAZI WAR CRIMINAL who was tried and hanged for war crimes. Since you are taking his name as your handle makes people believe you are a NAZI YOURSELF.

      3. Like the song goes…
        Were you Born an AH
        Or did you work on it yer whole life?
        All yer friends say yer an AH
        Even your wife!
        Because yer an AH for your entire life.

    1. stupidity, greed, hatred venial criminality look to loss of freedom beginning of anti-Semitism anti-Christian and persecution

  1. Sure, mitch. Recognize an illegitimate election. you pos. you were re-elected, so let the others fend for themselves. I think we need term limits and let them start with you. BTW – if you let the fraud of an election stand, we will never stop the cheating from happening in the future. hope you are proud of yourself! did I say you were a pos? yes, I did. IT’S WORTH REPEATING!

    1. I agree with term limits. Always remember, there is no honor among thieves and politicians. I would trust a thief before a politician any day. At least you know up front they are thieves.

        1. Trump will start his 2nd Term as Scheduled in JESUS name. “The godly will Rejoice when they see injustice Avenged. They will wash their feet in the blood of the wicked. Then at last everyone will say, There TRULY is a Reward for those who live for GOD; Surely there is a GOD WHO JUDGES JUSTLY HERE ON EARTH.” (Psalm 58:10,11) I send these WORDS of GOD to MANIFEST Continuously throughout President Trump’ Victory for HIS 2nd Term Presidency scheduled to start in January 2021. I GIVE Thanks and LOVE and PRAISE to ALMIGHTY GOD for HIS Honesty Justice, Fairness and Truth as GOD continues to expose and destroy all evil deeds regarding Joe, Hunter Biden-family members-money laundering, kickbacks, cover ups, lies, deceit, DNC-Democrats involved, Dominion-Smartmatic owners voting ballots cheating stealing, pay offs, Big tech owners money distribution to cheat the Presidential election, all connected involved. I send GOD’S WORD Psalm 59:11-13 to MANIFEST into ALL of these that are listed and All involved; “Stagger them with YOUR POWER, And bring them to their knees, O LORD our SHIELD. Because of the sinful things they say, because of the evil that is on their lips, let them be Captured by their pride, their curses, and their lies. Destroy them in YOUR ANGER! Wipe them out Completely! Then the whole world will know that GOD REIGNS in The Universe.” “From Eternity to Eternity I AM GOD. No one can oppose what I do. No one can Reverse MY ACTIONS.” (Isaiah 43) I decree in JESUS NAME and AUTHORITY.

    2. Makes you wonder if McCONNEL was re-elected because Dominon servers gave his 1.25 votes over his competitors o.75

    3. Maybe you should listen to the experts such as CISA Director Christopher Krebs and Attorney General Barr’s statements. Trumpets are so vulnerable to Trump’s outright lies because it’s been proven that they are the least educated in the voting population.

      1. Well, you just proved your ignorance and illiteracy with your statement and your choice of examples to use trying to make your point!
        You just keep on selling Republicans short that will make it all the more fun next time we grab you by your ugly ass!

      2. What an arrogant and elitist thing to say. Those who are buying the democrat marxist propaganda are the most gullible. And most of the people I know who support our representative Republic form of government are college educated.

        1. Think about what the court ruled…They simply stated that the state of Texas cannot sue another state because that state did not follow its own constitutional laws. Not about lack of fraud.

    4. I agree. If the fraud in this election is allowed to stand, we will NEVER see another election that isn’t rigged in favor of the democrats. These republicans better watch out because they will be going after them next. Term limits should have been done long ago. Mitch is a traitor and is part of the swamp. Far too many of them there.

    5. Republican Mitch McConnell has sold his loyalty.honour,integrity and pawned his misguided personality with a bended knee
      He’s not fit to be a leader any longer and must be remove

  2. So sad but expected that McConnell would recognize Biden. He is apart of the problem in DC. It is time for a drastic change-up there on the hill. It is not over yet!

      1. On an after which be rather circumspect about going out in public. I suggest you wait until after dark so you’ll be harder to see.

      2. It will when the CCP Dems put Biden in a nursing home and Harris starts taking your white privilege away and moving you into the street. Then you’ll call your neighbor with a gun for help.

      3. maybe on January 6, 2021?
        maybe before that if you know: Kamala Harris isn’t even constitutionally eligible=====
        Kamala Harris isn’t even constitutionally eligible to be vice president or president of the United States. She was a “citizen at/by birth” but she is not a “natural born citizen” as required by the Constitution. One must be born on U.S. soil (she was) to parents who are themselves, citizens (her parents were foreign nationals, when Kamala was born in Oakland, CA). Citizen at/by birth is not the same thing as a natural born citizen.
        She was what is labeled as an ‘anchor baby’!! She has no love for this country or its citizens. If she walks into the presidency we will feel the weight of her contempt!!

        “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” 1798, John Adams 

        1. I wish more people understood this. Biden is a puppet and I expect he will resign in less than a year. Then this unconstitutional Harris will take over. It’s planned. Biden is already saying he will rule by executive order.

          1. During the democrat primaries Harris indicated that she would rule by executive order. Everything she said she was going to do was by way of executive order. It has been speculated that she intends to be Biden’s puppet master. But I suspect that she had to agree to follow orders to be awarded the VP slot. When Biden resigns or removed she will become voice and face of the presidency but others will still be calling the shots. (By the way; we do not elect a president to rule over us. We elect a President to administer the executive power of government.)

        2. Obama was not Constitutionally eligible to be President.
          According to Trump.
          The Supreme Court was OK with Obama being President.

          1. Obama’s legitimacy is still questionable. Why he chose to seal and hide personal documents is questionable. Many of us would like to see his college application and admission records.

      4. Just enjoy this while you can you warped stupid sucker! Your chickens will come home to roost soon enough! We all will be waiting to hear how well you like the taste of their feces when they roost on your ugly face!

          1. Marxist ignoramic moron BLM want-to-be! If you ever had a brain, someone would have removed it and pitched it in a basket. The same empty basket HRC referred to!
            Signed, “a proud deplorable”!

      5. Your right little Alberta Hissyfit it will be all out total Civil War to end this communist coup in America in a permanent way

          1. THE MILITARY LOVES DJT! They now have equipment and BULLETS that BHO refused them! Half or more of America’s defense weapons and airplanes were inoperable and grounded under BHO’s administration! DJT supports and defends the Constitution…….and you think your side can count on the military while you dimwits devastate everything? You are in worse shape than I thought, moron troll!

  3. McConnell is a career politician like Biden/Harris. Biden is in there because they can control him and retire him as soon as possible. The end game is Harris, make no mistake about it!! Wonder who they’ll install as VP next?? Mr Trump needs to stay out there and lead our own party!

      1. She’s not old enough, but hey they don’t care about the constitution. Harris isn’t a natural born citizen and should not be VP or president!

  4. hey mitch xmas right around the corner. where is the stimulis. you got voted back in again. also a 4000 dollar raise coming in jan. to boot. seniors get a 1.3 cola. so shame on you

      1. Communism – a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. You ever hear any Democrat advocate we eliminate the stock market and turn over ownership to the state? Get a new dictionary, jerk.

        1. You are such an idiot! What is happening in January is only the beginning step toward Communism! Socialism/communism comes in small bites so the pain is not unbearable! And, you call Republicans illiterate and uneducated!

          1. No, BHO was a failure in that department! He just got as far as taking jobs from Americans and giving them to illegals and depleted job growth, grew our welfare system with “free stuff” etc., regulated Corporations until they could not grow and create new jobs, let our military become so obsolete our soldiers didn’t have bullets if America had been attacked, and so on, and so on and so on but he never made it quite to socialism much less communism! He just made it easier for comrade Kamala to take up his mantle! You stupid marxist troll!

        2. Handing out money for doing absolutely nothing is pure Communism.

          You do not know much about Marx.
          Marx said that one should work as to their abilities and take as to their needs.

  5. So, THIS proves the DEEP STATE ALWAYS WINS..??? This is a travesty…!! There has been a slow-rolling COUP D’ETAT for MORE THAN FOUR YEARS NOW against Donald J. Trump..!! Of course, there is VOTER FRAUD because it’s part of the COUP D’ETAT…!! Americans no longer matter….our votes don’t count…!! THIS IS TREASON and the EVIL PEOPLE who perpetrated this TREASON must be punished accordingly….!! God Bless America…!!

    1. Maybe you should listen to the experts such as CISA Director Christopher Krebs and Attorney General Barr’s statements. Trumpets are so vulnerable to Trump’s outright lies because it’s been proven that they are the least educated in the voting population.

  6. VERY disgusting that so many of our people in power have neglected the truth
    and betrayed us and the Constitution and any hope of a fair election. Why have so many of them sold their soul to
    the devil???

    1. Maybe you should listen to the experts such as CISA Director Christopher Krebs and Attorney General Barr’s statements. Trumpets are so vulnerable to Trump’s outright lies because it’s been proven that they are the least educated in the voting population.

    2. It is God and his commandments of right and wrong- which these people are fighting. and it is God who will have the last laugh. Proverbs 1:26


    1. Maybe you should listen to the experts such as CISA Director Christopher Krebs and Attorney General Barr’s statements. Trumpets are so vulnerable to Trump’s outright lies because it’s been proven that they are the least educated in the voting population.

    2. Disgusting, just disgusting. Trump has had to learn the hard way that he cannot trust the old politicians! They are swamp snakes.

    3. Mcconell would be nothing without China. Same as Biden. Check Mcconell’s wife and family. They own huge shipping operation in China exporting and shipping Chinese goods to USA. He and Biden are the same pea just different pod of the same material.
      It’s time to wake up and see the 2 parties for what they are. The only reason the Dem and Gop exist is to group their money and push people they can control into office.

  8. mitch is a traitor compromised moron / fraudulent election / Chinese operative coup

    All Americans should appreciate that these communist sympathizers have sold out America! Corrupted and fraudulent processes do not count mitch you fool.

  9. The RINOS are pathetic. They don’t understand that to allow the communists to win is a turning point. From here on out there would no longer be free elections. The fake media and the tech billionaires would continue to censor the information available to the masses. We can’t let the CCP and the demorat sell outs win. Even if it takes the Insurrection Act, this battle is too important to let go!!

    1. Communism – a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. You ever hear any Democrat advocate we eliminate the stock market and turn over ownership to the state? Get a new dictionary, jerk.

    2. So true, and he will be controlled by the communists or they will remove him in his next election. His days will be numbered. He is a traitor. This election was a fraud and should never be allowed to stand.

  10. These are the RINO Republicans. They probably won reelection by fraud also. Which is why they’re congratulating the fraudulent Biden. It’s not over. We will not allow this deception to achieve it’s goal of socialism communist takeover.

  11. just shows how rampant the treason is embedded in the repubLICRAP PARTY. NO LOYALTY, NO FORE-THOUGHT, AND NO MORE SUPPORT FOR PROFESSIONAL ASS-KISSERS LIKE THE BI***.

  12. The GOP is dead. IF there were a few conservative billionaires out there that would fund a new, “Conservative Party” as Sean Hannity has often mentioned, and get the right people behind it, we could let the remaining Republicans die on the vine. 3rd parties generally don’t work… but with the right people in charge with financial backing, it could make a difference in 2022. (if we’re still allowed to vote by then). Today’s Republican party is totally useless…

  13. Senator Mitch McCONNELL endorses a fraudulent election? Just like that? The man has no spine – none at all
    Yet earlier yesterday McCONNEL declared that next week the senate is to have an inquiry into the elction ?

  14. If the Republican party thinks that they’re going back to business as before, they are sorely mistaken. I for one will be calling Senators and house members to put them on notice.
    These idiots already forgot the treatment that the President, and they received for the last 4 years from the COMMUNIST PARTY!

    1. Communism – a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. You ever hear any Democrat advocate we eliminate the stock market and turn over ownership to the state? Get a new dictionary, jerk.

      1. Hey MORON, if you want what’s coming from the CORRUPT, ELIGITEMATLY ELECTED, did I say CORRUPT, SICK joe administration, get the hell out of the GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH and move to any other utopia that fits your LIBERAL desires! We don’t need SCUM like YOU here. Get out!!!

  15. That’s it your vote doesn’t count anymore the left has taken out the last piece of power the ppl had !
    We are well on our way to socialism . Pos socialist. It’s not the maturity vote and I will never believe this race for president was fair. That’s it ppl kiss your butts good bye

  16. Never concede to these Marxist Maggots, Jan 6th we straighten out the corruption and dishonest election!!!! MAGA 2020

    1. Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a Constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or rebellion against, established authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. Seditious words in writing are seditious libel. A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interest of sedition, much like Trumpets who try to overturn an election which was declared without fraud by CISA Director Christopher Krebs and Attorney General Barr. Another name for treason, punishable by death.

    1. God will laugh –Proverbs 1:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
      27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
      28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:
      29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:

  17. The Turtle and his fellow establishment comrades in congress and the deepstate are today’s “Summer soldiers and Sunshine Patriots “, that Thomas Paine wrote about when General Washington was faced with desertions and cowardice in the early stages of the Revolution. As for me and my house we will fight for the Constitution and president Trump is my Commander and Chief. MAGA

    1. Ahhhh Nancy, did you feel the same way about OBUMMER who NEVER LEFT Washington?
      All the while he’s been planning this debacle of a rigged election. I pray and hope that President Trump never leaves much less keep quiet.
      Until he runs again in 4 years.
      By then, even the likes of you and all the moronic people who voted for the upcoming COMMUNIST Administration will be begging him to return. You ALL have absolutely NO IDEA what you’re in for! Really, you don’t.

  18. Per Roy Blunt There has to be a winner and a loser Bide wins and America loses. Time for to come together just as the Democrats came together after Donald Trump won in 2016. Biden will never be my President. Never

    1. Trump needs to have a news conference right after Biden’s news conference for the next four years explaining how Biden is a rogue imposter and illegal. I’ll watch it daily.

    1. We so pray that there will be a reckoning for the Dimocrat asshats! Trump is our choice🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  19. Just like all the other prostitutes…he turned on a dime, and hooked up with the man with the most money!! Hey McConnell don’t forget to use a Condom!!

  20. SERIOUSLY ???? A puppet that stayed in his Basement, NEVER worked at a REAL JOB, spent 47 years on the Government Doles, could not remember what position he is running for, couldn’t get massive crowds turnouts at the very few car rallies and Biden got MORE votes than Obama…SERIOUSLY ??
    Trump owned and ran his own Business, Never took money for his Presidency or from any LOBBISTS. Trump was out in front and up front with the ‘FAKE NEWS’ and stayed to answer any and all questions. Biden is scripted, teleprompter reading and hasn’t talked openly with the MEDIA and hasn’t stayed and TAKEN ANY QUESTIONS !!! HE CAN’T BECAUSE HIS COGNITIVE ABILITIES are SHOT !! He lives in the 70’s. Doesn’t have the abilities to get himself out of a wet paper bag. The whole DEM PARTY will run the PRESIDENCY !!!
    This is a total ‘ABOMIMATION’ and ‘TRAVESTY’ of our VOTING SYSTEM and RIGHTS GONE TO ‘HELL’ !!! UNDER A ‘HARRIS/BIDEN’ Presidency AMERICA will NEVER be the the SHINING CITY on the HILL and OUR ‘FREEDOMS’ are GONE FOREVER !!!! 🙁

  21. Nothing new here ..all the “swamp creatures” are rejoicing, now that they have FRAUDULENTLY “elected a “puppet” that will do “thier bidding” keep the “status-quo” and the people right where they belong under THEIR COMMUNIST control.
    Enjoy your new communist banana republic, cesspool democommunists and Rinos.
    Hope all you democommunist “voters” love your tax increases, more regualtions and living under the control and watchful eyes of “big brother” and the PAID MOBS that will keep you “in line”.if you dare to go aginst the new communist “masters”

    1. We are praying that there will be a miracle and the people will be rescued by the truth. Those voting machines were rigged!!!!


  23. I have been saying for a long time that No one should trust McConnell He is a back stabbing ass and We the people helped to put that dirt bag back in office When he was losing once before The establishement said Oh no We have to have MCConnell in office because he will be the best we can have but we have all found out that the man is a true chinese Coward and will do nothing to help the President and now we see that They were all in on the Voter Fraud and sooner or later President Trump will find all the holes and be able to tie it all together but we are running out of time and To all the Republicans who refused to stand with the President YOU will see the end of your careers coming soon
    and anyone who comes up for reelection in 2022 YOu will not be reelected and you will go down hard.. and all those so called Conservative judges Do not exist Think about that

  24. SERIOUSLY ???? A puppet that stayed in his Basement, NEVER worked at a REAL JOB, spent 47 years on the Government Doles, could not remember what position he is running for, couldn’t get massive crowds turnouts at the very few car rallies and Biden got MORE votes than Obama…SERIOUSLY ??
    Trump owned and ran his own Business, Never took money for his Presidency or from any LOBBISTS. Trump was out in front and up front with the ‘FAKE NEWS’ and stayed to answer any and all questions. Biden is scripted, teleprompter reading and hasn’t talked openly with the MEDIA and hasn’t stayed and TAKEN ANY QUESTIONS !!! HE CAN’T BECAUSE HIS COGNITIVE ABILITIES are SHOT !! He lives in the 70’s. Doesn’t have the abilities to get himself out of a wet paper bag. The whole DEM PARTY will run the PRESIDENCY !!!
    This is a total ‘ABOMIMATION’ and ‘TRAVESTY’ of our VOTING SYSTEM and RIGHTS GONE TO ‘HELL’ !!! UNDER A ‘HARRIS/BIDEN’ Presidency AMERICA will NEVER be the the SHINING CITY on the HILL and OUR ‘FREEDOMS’ are GONE FOREVER !!!! 🙁

  25. “He’s devoted himself to public service for many years.”

    Gag, choke, gag…..
    since when has ANY American born and raised lifer politician “devoted himself (or herself) to public service”???????????

  26. Oh yes, did we not know this, all a bunch Judus looking for their pieces of silver. Trump back stabbed all the time. So folks, hold on for the ride, Biden gets his way on everything, compare this to Trump. What a bunch of a$$holes.

  27. So if this’turtle RINO’ is fine with results…why should Republican in Georgia even bother to vote for the GOP, anymore? It’s ‘all the same’ in swamp, isn’t it…they’re all swamp-critters! A seccession may be the only solution left…

  28. Unless Almighty God brings out the truth in this fraudulent election, ALL IS LOST. Have to say it is ALL DUE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BEING SO IGNORANT

  29. How about “Biden is not my President,” but evidently the fraudulent votes got him in.
    He had basically said early on, “ if I am elected President , I will be sitting in the White House ,while the VP does the work”
    The White House has an interesting basement, I guess, so he will have more to do than read from a script after taking his meds!

  30. They are being threatened for not doing so. Dems are going scorched earth on all Republicans that refuse to bow down to their anointed geriatric. Again, the liberals all act like they want to get along, but they never deliver. Meanwhile, republicans always cave and try to get along and be inclusive only to get their rear ends handed to them. At this point, regardless of who ends up in office, the country is broken and China, Russia are laughing.

  31. Well, It serves to flush out the traitors. I will never give to the RNC again. I will only support individual candidates. Time for a third party. Without the deplorables the RNC will collapse.

  32. Idiot traitors are slithering with the Left enemies of our Constitutional Republic. They can’t Constitutionally claim anything until Jan 6.

  33. The turtle can’t be trusted. He is a politician. The fact that President Trump is not a politician is what makes him so effective and great.

  34. Mitch should know that it’s not over until January 20th 2021 … so he’s showing his true colors who he really stands with…. President Trump needs to keep on draining the swamp..
    and know that President Trump will be sworn in again on January 28th 2021👍🇺🇸

  35. I never trust this spineless goon. So when he was sending emails asking for donation. I just send them flying. There is a reason why We the people do not trust Congress. Just look yourself in a mirror Mitch. Prime example.

  36. O well, here we go again. Does it surprise anyone that certain republicans are turn coats.
    President Trump might have to take matters into his own hands once again to stop the steal. If all other avenues fail due to all the lawlessness in the American judicial system, President Trump may have to address the nation and act accordingly to not allow these traitors into the White House. Right now he has enough evidence to prove the election was stolen from him and now we have to wait and see what other corruption is revealed on the left.

  37. I left the republican party a number of years ago and became an independent for exactly this reason,it shows once again the republicans(not all)lack the balls to fight for what is right and they are a disgrace to their party and those that elected them,now I see this goes from the top present leader McConnell throughout both houses,spineless POS top
    to bottom.

  38. What’s happening is exactly the reason the Republicans don’t deserve to govern. Conservatives need to come together and create a new and more influential party, one that has the citizens of this country in mind, not one that has it’s own interests and pockets to be lined. Perhaps it’s time for the resurgence of the Tea Party or another, for serious and conservative voters.

  39. He has not turned on Trump…he was never with him to start with. Are we as American citizens going to allow the fraud that has taken place to remain and just move on until the next election? To do nothing is more destructive than most do not imagine…If this stands we will never have another fair election and you need to get ready for Corporate decisions that will rule your life. Me I don’t worry about it at 83 years and disabled It will not really change my status. I foolishly thought fighting for this country to remain free was a good thing but it was lost to domestic enemies.

  40. You NEVER congratulate a cheater for ‘”winning”. It’s like giving a Pulitzer to The NY Times for their coverage of the Russian Hoax. It’s lowering yourself to a Democrat’s level. Well, maybe not that low, but it’s inappropriate for sure.

  41. McConnel has lost all respect. If Biden wins, McConnel will bow down to the democrats and lead his great life while Biden makes citizens suffer with his policies. Thanks, Mitch.

  42. You do not “move on” in a spavined system where the formula is broken and a false outcome demands credibility, i e pledging allegiance to a false flag!

  43. What else are they supposed to do? Trump, et al, unfortunately, has not gotten a single judge able to work with him, We may need to move forward, so better to stop fighting & get together to figure out how to control this beast, esp. keeping Harris out of the Big Chair…

  44. Senator McConnell is just giving due respect to the office. He cannot wait to start mollifying Mr. Biden’s attempts at executive order. Biden is a loser. Always has been, always will be. He has only gotten where he has by being a cheat, a liar and plagiarizing thought, acts and writings by real people of note. He won’t get far. He will be crumpled up and dumped in the trash.

  45. I have never been a big fan of McConnell. He has often been week and ineffective. But I don’t think that is fair to say that he has turned on Trump. The electoral College has voted. We can argue that electors from disputed States should have abstained. But there is nothing that would require then to do so. Democrat activist judges are blocking the legal avenues that were available. The election results are as official as they are ever going to be. Joe Biden (even though it was fraudulently done) is now the President-elect. (There are those who insist that there was no proof of fraud. But just because that proof has been blocked does not mean it does not exist.) And just because Biden will be sworn in as the official President and will occupy the oval office does not mean that he will be personally making any serious decisions beyond what flavor of ice cream to eat. Joe Biden will be a Faux President with a shadow controller dictating what he says and does. Biden doesn’t have the mental acuity for the office.

  46. I’m not surprised at McConnell…..those who have made a long life of politics are as bad as “the swamp” …..they are of the “good old boys club” who just go along to get along……their goal is to just keep their position for years to come….no matter who they have to betray or walk over….they have forgotten years ago what they are suppose to be there for….which is the best interest for the people they represent and the country…..but…then again…..people keep voting them in….so goes the vicious cycle….

  47. This is ridiculous! Years ago people used to SERVE the American people. Now they are PAID HANDSOMELY AND HAVE LONG S PLANS AND HEALTH CARE PAYMENTS FOR YEARS IF NOT FOR LIFE. Service my butt. They go in at a certain level of wealth and come out much much higher.

  48. Anyone recognizing the Biden/Harris Tyranny as a legitimate administration is legitimizing the nullifying of almost 80 million Republican Voters votes. They are saying it’s okay to commit election fraud as long as you win. They are siding with the Democrat Crime Organization. They are saying one person, one vote means nothing anymore. They are saying the Bill of Rights means nothing anymore. Well I say, GOD bless the Republic of Texas. Time to resurrect it.

  49. How can anyone honestly accept Biden as president in spite of all the fraud? We’ve never had a President who has accomplished what President Trump has. He has been tormented since even before he stepped into the oval office. We can never have a fair election if this fraud is not punished and made right. If you accept this election you are complicit with the hateful left.

  50. Mitch left out a couple of words in his statement “The alleged Electoral College has allegedly spoken … Today, I want to congratulate alleged President-elect Biden.”

  51. McConnell is a total ‘ass kisser’ – as a result he has brown from his nose to his toes!! You can’t be a bigger ‘ass kisser’.

  52. McConnell has shown his true colors. Don’t look at the evidence but get in good with the democrats and be a nice minority leader. Looks like his owners, I mean donors, have had a talk behind the woodshed with the boy?

  53. ‘Top Republicans’???? Those are RINOS (aka DemonRats)!!
    WATCH what is coming down the road. MAJOR things are happening (behind the scenes) and there will soon be ARRESTS made, around the country, for ALL that are committing TREASON! NO MERCY will be shown at their MILITARY Trials!

  54. Mitch McConnell has never been a ‘hero’ – I predict he will hang around until the inauguration and resign. That is, IF Pres. Trump doesn’t drop him before he’s inaugurated.

  55. This won’t go well for little Mitch when President trump is declared the real winner! Mitch the deep state bitch!

  56. Yeah Mitch the president supported you all the way. But hey don’t even bother sending me requests to donate to your campaign again!!! In fact my list has gotten so long I can probably take a vacation on money saved.


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