Will Trump Extend the Pause on Work Visas?

The White House from Washington, DC via Wikimedia Commons

President Trump is facing a looming deadline to extend his executive order he issued which halted the issuance of new temporary work visas. The Trump administration made the move as an effort to free up jobs for Americans who were out of work due to Coronavirus.

The Hill reports:

Trump in June signed an executive order suspending the issuance of H-1B visas, H-2B visas, H-4 visas, L-1 visas and certain J-1 visas. The moratorium on new visas is in place through Dec. 31, meaning Trump has until Thursday to extend it or let it lapse.

Proponents of extending the visa suspensions argue the pandemic is ongoing, and some on Trump’s team believe it would create a potential political headache for President-elect Joe Biden out of the gate. Trump may also be inclined to push through a few final policy measures before Biden takes office.

“Given that we are still in the midst of the worst economic crisis in living memory, extending the proclamation well into 2021 should be an easy decision,” said RJ Hauman, head of government relations at the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which sent Trump a letter advocating for an extension.

“The question then becomes this: will President-elect Biden immediately side with powerful business interests that continue to demand more cheap foreign labor?” Hauman said. “Or will he realize that high levels of immigration and guest worker admissions are an impediment to American workers recovering along with the economy?”

Since Thanksgiving, the unemployment level has continued to rise with more and more Americans desperately searching for jobs. What do you think President Trump will do next? Tell us in the comments below!


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