Trump’s Legal Team Shakeup

The White House from Washington, DC / Public domain

Five attorneys retained by former President Donald Trump to defend him during his February Senate impeachment trial have departed his legal team over the weekend, according to NewsTimes.

The departed legal team which included South Carolina attorney’s Butch Bowers and Deborah Barbier are already being replaced. Bowers – who came to Trump by way of South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham – was announced as part of the legal team last week.

The legal team allegedly quit after a disagreement over legal strategy with former President Trump. Trump wanted to focus on election fraud claims while the legal team wanted to zero in on the constitutionality of prosecuting a former President which is an argument Senator Rand Paul (KY) has been championing in the Senate.

Trump hasn’t wasted any time on finding replacements.

Attorneys Bruce L. Castor Jr. and David Schoen have been brought on board to lead the former president’s impeachment defense.

Schoen is no stranger to Trump world. He previously represented Roger Stone and has previously appeared on Fox News to discuss the legal case of Jeffrey Epstein.

Castor is a former county commissioner, district attorney, and briefly served as the acting Attorney General of Pennsylvania.

According to a release, Trump’s office, Schoen has already been working with Trump and his other advisors to prepare for the upcoming impeachment trial.

“It’s an honor to represent the 45th President, Donald J. Trump, and the Constitution,” Schoen said.

“The strength of the Constitution is about to be tested like never before in our history. It is strong and resilient. A document written for the ages, and it will triumph over partisanship yet again, and always,” added Castor.

Trump’s legal team has just over a week to prepare as the impeachment trial is slated to begin February 9th.

READ NEXT: Trump Former Top Deputy Makes Impeachment Prediction [DON’T MISS IT]

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    1. democrats just plan to make up new rules and laws as needed. Those already on the books are not that important to them.

          1. They were kept in power by stupid Americans but President Donald Trump did a good job of educating them and many of them switched political parties and became Republicans.

            Unfortunately, while this was going on the evil Democate Political Party (DPP) started to develop methods to cheat on elections. The China Virus a.k.a. Corona Virus was just what they needed to steal the 2020 election. Everyone knows that mail-in ballots are the easiest way to cheat. When this happened the Democrats jumped on it. Nobody with even a modicum of intelligence knows that “Hiden Biden” did not receive 80 million legitimate votes.

            The Democrats then went on to use their fraud tactics in the two Georgia Senator elections. I’m truly concerned that we may never have another election (of consequence) that will be honest and fairly run. The DPP is getting better & more sophisticated at ways to cheat.

          2. Please don’t forget the Dominion Machines. In every contested state, they used the Dominion machines!!! Including the Maricopa County where the Republican Governor Ducey Certified them!!!

            If he tries to run for president, please don’t forget his name, Ducey is a RINO!!!

          3. Douchebag ducey was paid off by the bug eyed, zionist, commie zuckerberg, just like the rest of the scum involved in the steal….

          4. What you have stated is no doubt true but please don’t include the term “zionist” which I believe has nothing to do with the corruption and treason committed by the elitist political class in our country which includes the globalists in both the republication establishment (i.e., the RINOs) and the democrat establishment (i.e., the leftist DINOs).

          5. You can bet president rump has checked a lot of bank accounts like judge Roberts…hmmmm where is he hiding???? Anyone seen Harris or Jill????? Have they a,ready jumped the coop????

          6. Supposedly Pelosi, Feinstein, and the Clinton Foundation all have ties to Dominion, how is THAT not a tipoff to FRAUD right there???

          7. Dominion machines were used in 20 plus states as I recall reading somewhere. ALL of the states should’ve been audited. Not just the swing states. And that doesn’t even cover all the OTHER types of FRAUD committed, pristine ballots that were supposedly MAILED in, signatures missing or not matching, ballots that mysteriously showed up from under desks or at crazy hours during the night etc. They have MOUNTAINS of EVIDENCE, they just won’t accept them because they’re afraid TRUMP won again.

          8. Don’t be the least bit surprised if farther down the line, they find out that the Democrats and China colluded to bring down Trump and the US by releasing the pandemic. Democrats and China have no problem killing their own citizens. Democrats not only ACCEPT abortions, but, ADVOCATE for abortions. And I don’t think I have to tell you what the CHINESE do. Pray people that God watches over our country, and forgives us our sins for ever letting him being taken out of this country’s equation.

          9. Democrats and RINO’s are paid for by the international criminal bankers and elected by Dominion. The Federal Reserve Bank was created in 1913 under democrat president Woodrow Wilson.

          10. Not American’s, Big Corporations that have bought and paid the entire Left wing and RINO’s. They are the equivalent of the Russian Politburo, communists and worse, that HATE everything the USA stands for.

      1. They the law when they wanted to impeach him for the Ukraine phone call. They had no witnesses and hearsay is inadmissible, so they changed the law so hearsay would be admissible.

    2. And TRUMP is NOW a FORMER President and Holds NO GOVERNMENT OFFICE and the Consitution DOES NOT provide for impeachment of a private citizen.

      1. Trump terrified the Democrats BEFORE he even took office, and STILL terrifies them because of his continuing popularity. Trump ran on the platform of draining the Swamp. Democrats thought Hillary was a shoo in and would keep their crimes safe for another 4-8 years. When she LOST, by Electoral Votes, they had to do ANYTHING to get rid of Trump, even if it meant PLANTING FAKE EVIDENCE, the Steele Dossier. They STILL don’t get it. Every time they try to expose the Republicans, they just expose their OWN crimes. Anybody who plays card games knows that TRUMP always wins the hand. And Donald LITERALLY has it as his last name. As they say on Wheel of Fortune, buy a vowel, get a clue.

    3. Especially a President who has left office, and we know that the whole issue is all about demonization, political theatre, and eliminating President Trumps chances of ever running again for President. He’s in their heads, they can’t talk about Slow Joe because he isn’t even a passing interest to people….No they go for the man who is interesting, no pushover, brings ratings, has something important to say, and doesn’t try to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes.. The left loves to make up things as they go along, change laws to suit their agenda, and shove the Constitution under the rug.

    4. Absolutely! Someone needs to tell Pelosi and Schumer the Senate didn’t have the votes to pass an Impeachment on President Trump.

      I am so done with these jerks that go on like they are Gods and everyone should obey their word. They are blatantly IGNORING OUR U.S. CONSTITUTION REGARDING IMPEACHMENTS. (1) There is nothing in our Constitution about Impeaching an ex-President that is now a Citizen and (2) No impeachment can go forward unless it passes the House and gets a 2/3 vote in the Senate and it did NOT get the 2/3 passing vote in the Senate. So, Impeachment is DEAD!

      WHY ARE THEY STILL TALKING ABOUT IMPEACHMENT WHEN IT IS NO LONGER A POSSIBILITY? The Dems must think all Americans are dumb as dirt. If Pelosi and Schumer were in a room with me, I would spit in their old ugly faces for the grief those old farts have caused our Nation. They both should be jailed for their idiocy and treason!

    5. He is no longer President but a private citizen. Congress cannot impeach private citizens. If that were the case they could impeach you and me!

  1. Why hasn’t this sham impeachment be brought before the SCOTUS ? Everyone with a brain knows impeachment if meant to remove the President and not a former president . If this takes place a former President is impeached then every President and Vice President and all members of The House of Representatives and former members that has said a harsh word and threatened another person can be impeached also . So let’s bring impeachment charges against everyone who has had said something against another person to justice . This should be also all who has made false statements against a Supreme Court Justice of the United States.

    1. It has been, that is why Chief Justice Roberts is not presiding. My guess is that if the Democrats were successful in impeaching Trump, Roberts would deny that SCOTUS has the obligation to resolve the issue. This is the same stand he took on the Texas law suit against Pennsylvania.

    1. Allegations of election fraud do not need to be true or false for First Amendment protection, if expressed as a matter of opinion. The other point is verifiable; our US Constitution does not allow impeachment of a former president.

  2. Won’t make much difference. What you’ll hear during the trial will boil your blood, I can almost guarantee it. Leftists are so filled with hate, for the man, they have left common sense and fair play in the rearview mirror.

  3. Not sure why a legal team is even required. This entire “trial” is a sham, pure political posturing by the stinking Democrats. It is no real trial, it’s an unconstitutional kangaroo court that deserves to be condemned and ignored.

  4. Looks like we’re headed down the same path as Jan6, constitution in tow. The only thing missing this time is POS Pence, but the other swampers will be there. I predict this railroading of the President this time however will give momentum to the rise of the new Patriot Party

  5. I hope the GOP will not once again underestimate their enemy. The Dems are determined to win at any cost. They will eagerly sacrifice honor, ethics, integrity, and morals to defeat Trump. The GOP has failed repeatedly to recognize and prepare for such a devious and zealous opponent.

  6. Lets waste more time in the senate. I hope this trial lasts 2 years so by the time the President is acquitted, Republicans will take over the house and stop this madness

  7. While I fully understand why Trump wants to use the election fraud defense, given the past refusal of the courts to even allow fraud evidence to be presented at trial, I believe that the best chance for a successful outcome would be to use the constitutional argument. There is no question that Trump is a risk-taker but he could end up being toast if he loses.

    I continue to be a strong Trump supporter, but I fear that he might be wrong on this one.

  8. How is the House going forward with an Impeachment of our President when the Senate did not have a 2/3 Vote in favor of the Illegal Impeachment???????????? Who is saying this Impeachment is hsppening BECAUSE IT DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH VOTES FROM THE SENATE TO LET IT GO FORWARD. SO WHO IS SAYING IT IS STILL HAPPENING WHEN ACCORDING TO OUR U.S. CONSTITUTION, THE FACT THAT IT FAILED TO PASS THE SENATE MEANS THE IMPEACHMENT IS “DEAD IN THE WATER”!!! NO IMPEACHMENT PELOSI. GET OVER IT, STEP BACK AND SHUT UP.

    PELOSI AND SCHUMER are full of so much HATE AND EVIL FLOWING THROUGH THEIR heads and hearts, that they have become so obsessed with destroying P.T. that they can no longer do their jobs as required. Time to remove them from their positions and do our Country a huge favor!

    Pelosi and Schumer are the ones responsible for this “smear game”. They are the ones pushing this ILLEGAL AND ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL ACT, this very twisted and desperate act of treason against not only our President Trump, but against every American in our Nation. Their hateful poisonous actions have infected the House of Reps and many Rinos creating the biggest waste of time and efforts to ACCOMPLISH WHAT? ZERO, NOTHING!! GIVE IT UP PIGNOSI AND SCHMUCKER. “YOU ARE THE DISEASE” IN OUR GOVT AND IT NEEDS TO HAVE “YOU” REMOVED SO IT CAN HEAL. WALK AWAY YOU TWO WHILE YOU CAN!

  9. The only thing you can count on the Democrats for, is to do something ILLEGAL. I’ve been on Federal Grand Jury Duty for a year now, what they sell us ALL out for would make you sick. Things like CIGARS, Country Club Memberships, tax breaks, luxury cars, items on menus named after them, one politician didn’t like the cut of meat being used in a dish named for him, he made the restaurant upgrade it. I’ve also been an Election Judge since Obama’s 2nd run, several people told me BACK THEN, that their votes were being changed to the Democrat Candidates on the touchscreens. This is in Cook “crook” County, IL. How many people DIDN’T notice before hitting the send button??? ALL of the touchscreens, not just in SWING States, should’ve been audited. God Bless and HELP Donald J. Trump and the US.

  10. Take them all down PRESIDENT. trump…you can do it.l.and they are scared.,you have all the paperwork…take them down and make america great again!!?.


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