Only the State GOP can Save American Now

The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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With the complete seizure of the federal government by the Democrat Party, the chief avenue to accomplish anything may reside with the states. 

First, some context: the (official) cancellation of the March for Life this year was unprecedented. Pro-Life is a massive stockholder in right-wing politics in this country, and hinges largely on action at the Federal level. Following the Supreme Court, including all of the Trump appointees, joining Chief Injustice Roberts in betraying the President and tossing the Texas case, it is becoming increasingly clear that federal-level solutions are likely out of reach. This is just an example. In fact, it is increasingly the case that most Americans consider all political solutions out of reach. The danger of this situation cannot be overstated, and it is up to those in power to preserve trust in the American system if we want to keep it alive.

The GOP has the responsibility here, since Biden has proven himself willing to be a radical rubber-stamp on whatever leftist insanity gets slapped on his desk. GOP leaders in Florida and South Carolina seem to have gotten the message. Governor DeSantis recently declared fines of up to $100k a day on social media giants who censor candidates for office, and is demanding a mandatory opt-out option for content filters for ordinary Floridians. In South Carolina, the state legislature is moving quickly to pass another heartbeat bill to test Trump appointees like Amy Comey Barrett’s commitment to protecting unborn children. 

The fight for the country is now going to be state-by-state, and the other state Republican Parties had better look to South Carolina and Florida for leadership if they want to hold their ground – and hold the Republic together – long enough to reach another election cycle.

Ryan Highland has an MA in Social Science and is an independent researcher and writer from Atlanta, GA.

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