Ex-Clinton Adviser Warns U.S. is Becoming Totalitarian State Under Biden

Gage Skidmore Flickr

It’s been a little over a month since Biden took office and the left is already abandoning him. Naomi Wolf, who advised Bill Clinton during his 1996 re-election campaign and  is a staunch feminist author, blasted President Biden’s leadership saying America is becoming a “totalitarian state before our eyes.” During an interview with Tucker Carlson, Wolf said that the U.S. is racing towards becoming a police state because of Biden’s extreme Covid economic lockdown measures.

According to Fox News:

“The state has now crushed businesses, kept us from gathering in free assembly to worship as the First Amendment provides, is invading our bodies … which is a violation of the Fourth Amendment, restricting movement, fining us in New York state … the violations go on and on,” she said.

The outspoken liberal, who previously authored a book outlining the ten steps that “would-be tyrants always take when they want to close down a democracy,” believes the United States is heading toward what she refers to as “step 10.”

“Whether they are on the left or the right, they do these same ten things,” Wolf explained, “and now we’re at something I never thought I would see in my lifetime … it is step 10 and that is the suspension of the rule of law and that is when you start to be a police state, and we’re here. There is no way around it.”

Wolf said she has interviewed U.S. citizens of various backgrounds and political affiliations who are in a state of “shock and horror”  as “autocratic tyrants at the state and now the national level are creating this kind of merger of corporate power and government power, which is really characteristic of totalism fascism in the ’20’s,” she told Carlson.

Wolf went on to note that the emergency order is a gross overreach of power and is being used to subvert our Constitutional rights.

“They are using that to engage in emergency orders that simply strip us of our rights; rights to property, rights to assembly, rights to worship, all the rights the Constitution guarantees,” Wolf said to Carlson.

On Twitter, Wolf has become increasingly critical of Biden’s leadership and approach to Covid-19, even going so far as to say she regrets casting her vote for the fellow Democrat.

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