Former Senior Adviser to Trump Starts Group to Challenge Democrat Policies in Court

Office of White House Press Secretary, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Controversial former Trump administration rockstar Stephen Miller has started a conservative law group to take the fight against President Biden’s progressive agenda to court.

According to Fox News:

Miller formed America First Legal, which aims to serve as a conservative counterweight to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The nonprofit organization intends to launch court challenges with state GOP attorneys general to fight back on executive actions they deem unlawful or an overreach.

Miller called the anti-Trump court roadblocks a “years-long, one-sided legal assault” and argued conservatives now “must turn the tables.”

“While radical progressives have wielded these tactics to undermine the law and America First values for years, we must deploy these tactics in defense of our nation’s legal, cultural, and constitutional heritage,” Miller said in a statement.

He added: “Those looking to hold the new administration in Washington to account finally have their answer. Our self-imposed policy of legal disarmament is now over.”

Another former Trump administration member, former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, has joined America First Legal as a board member.

Trump released this statement through his Save America PAC:

“Stephen Miller is a fearless, principled fighter for the America First movement. He has backbone, integrity, and never gives up. As we know, the Radical Left has been relentless in waging their battles in court. Conservatives and America First supporters badly need to catch up and turn the tables, which is why I applaud Stephen and Mark Meadows for rushing to fill this critical void. The era of unilateral legal surrender must end—and I hope all America First patriots will get behind America First Legal.”


  1. I hope that they form a list of Left Wing Terrorist Organizations like the ACLU has for Right Wing groups.

    1. Just crawl back into your cave of hatred, fear and ignorance. Grab your blankie and just let the grownups talk!

  2. We conservatives need someone like Stephen Miller and Mark Meadows to challenge Biden’s overbearing policies now that the Democrats are in power for the next three years and nine months. Hopefully, the balance in the House will revert back to the Republicans in 2022 where common sense, not radical ideas, prevail. Biden and his Democrat/progressive/radical/Communist buddies will bankrupt our country at the rate they are doing.

    1. Stephen Miller YES. Mark Meadows NO. Mark Meadows told Trump and anyone who wanted to fight voter fraud to back off, including Lin Wood and My Pillow Guy.

    2. Margaret, conservatives must never accept/concede that “the Democrats are in power for the next three years and nine months”. That was a stolen election, as much evidence attests to, and must not be allowed to stand. Do not do the Dark side’s work for them. Whenever referring to that election, call it for what it was. There is power in truth-telling.
      P.S. It is not over yet.

    1. Nit just liars but a National Security Threat to the USA. These two criminals need to be deposed as soon as possible. This will get rid of all the criminals hired for Obamagate # 3.

  3. Larry Elder had Steven on his radio show when Steven was in High School and having a hard time because he was a conservative and Larry spoke to him weekly an became his mentor ……and look at where Steven is today! From Santa Monica High School to the White House of the United States of America………Go Steven Go!

  4. I believe that this is such great news. I hope he’s able to get many like minded attorneys to join him. It’s about time we fight fire with fire.
    Sick and tired of ACLU and the Poverty for law center. Left to the left organization’s.
    Best of luck Mr Miller.

  5. Time for a continuous onslaught of lawsuits to teach the dirty democrats and liberals a huge dose of their own medicine. Simply one top notch idea.

    1. Yep go get em keep them on their toes looking over their shoulders. Give them their own medicine. Grow a big pair

    1. Way past time, but then there are too many RINOs in the party. Once they are gone, I think we will see more guts, spine and action.

  6. I am glad to see there is someone willing to go to war with the current administration. It does not appear we have many with the guts to take on the corruption of our current administration. It is not just Biden and Harris that need to be removed, but every appointment he has made and a majority of the Democratic Party. Too much fraud and corruption in that sector.

    1. I agree. All we true Conservatives need to pitch in and help in whatever way we can to unite the Conservative movement. There is power in numbers and we have the numbers. We need a strong leader to make this happen and to get the RED states to band together and pass our own fair laws and tell DC to pound sand.

      1. Start with boycotting companies that allow the left wing nuts control them. Start with Coca Cola (check out other labels under that brand). 74 million Trump voters could really make a dent in that company.

  7. This is good news! It’s way past time for the true Conservatives to step and beat the dims at their own game. Tie these radicals up in court for the next 4 years and make them ineffective in their quest to destroy America. Rally the Conservatives and the Red States to do their part as well.

  8. The left for years has been abusing the courts to obtain what they could not get thru the legislative or initiative petition processes. About time we turned the tables.

  9. Good job Stephen–we need help to fight these commies–along with Tom
    Fitton, Mark Levin, Jay and Jordan Sekalow–we have great teams in place
    God Bless you to take on this enormous task!!

  10. Count me in. Where do I contribute $$? We must sue so that the American Constitutional Republic lives, if not it is on a path the DEATH led by the Democrat National Communist Criminal Party (DNCCP). BTW…IT’s time to eliminate most, if not all Federal Government Agencies, Departments, Institutions. These Fed Gov workers are using Government to enrich themselves and control over free American Citizens. Fed Employees like the Teachers Union no longer serve the very people they are responsible to serve. So, disband them as they no longer serve our Republic.

  11. This new entity seems to duplicate the efforts of the ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) and their attorneys Jay and Jordan Sekulo, Mike Pompeo, plus a squad of other talented lawyers, who already have offices in DC and internationally. Ric Grenell is also on staff. ACLJ has already argued cases on behalf of Pres Trump, so I don’t see why. .

  12. Have wondered for YEARS, WHY? There was not same opportunity for the Conservatives to Voice Objectively!! Good Luck, wishing you much success!! Every citizen should make efforts to remember & learn advantages and benefits of the “America First Legal”!!!!

  13. The pendulum has begun to swing in the other direction& it’s about time. “We”are being told “what” to do, “how” to do it & have “no say” in anything. We NEVER see Biden & just hear “stilted” attempted sentences that make no sense from Pstaki & the Pentagon “spokespeople”. The USA is going to hell in a handbaskst while the crooked “news” feeds us propaganda. NO WAY did “they” want that crying little boy telling us the truth. NO WAY do “they” want us to see the overcrowded cages. NO WAY do “they” want us to know WHERE these “people” are being bussed. NOW Biden’s off to screw up the rest of the World with his foreign “policy”. He’s laying the groundwork for WW 3 with a coalition composed of China, Russia, & Iran who are aiming their “nukes” @ Israel. The courts & A.G.’s are all crooked too.It’s TIME to speak up but it may also be too late!

  14. I REALLY LIKE those words, “FIGHT BACK”!! And it is ABOUT TIME!!! I have been contacting my Congress and Senators w/regard to that since Obama to NOT MUCH AVAIL!!! But we are REPLACING those do nothings with STRONG FIGHTERS in Alabama. Mo Brooks is leaving the House to move to the Senate, and I have not heard who will run to replace him!! HOPING he/she is a GOOD STRONG one!!!

  15. WHY are you calling Stephen Miller “controversial?!” NOHING “controversial” about out spoken TRUTH Sayers!!

  16. The more honest conservatives we get the better. Mo Brooks will be a good addition to the group of defenders of truth, justice, and liberty too!


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