Former Vice President Mike Pence has announced the launch of his new political advocacy group, Advancing American Freedom. The conservative political group is designed to help defend conservative values as well as provide an avenue for Pence to remain involved in conservative politics while he mulls his next move.
The Washington Examiner reports:
“Advancing American Freedom plans to build on the success of the last four years by promoting traditional conservative values and promoting the successful policies of the Trump administration,” Pence said in a statement to the Washington Examiner.
“Conservatives will not stand idly by as the radical left and the new administration attempt to threaten America’s standing as the greatest nation in the world with their destructive policies,” Pence said.
The new group will be headquartered in Washington, D.C. Its programs will be developed around three pillars: American strength and security, covering immigration, Israel and Middle East peace, and “standing firm against adversaries”; American prosperity, including rebuilding the economy, energy independence, the administration’s tax cuts, and deregulation; and American liberty, including anti-abortion, school choice, and religious liberty issues.
Former President Trump even gave a “thumbs up” to Pence for creating the group and continuing their work from the past four years.
“It was the most successful first term in American history,” he said in a statement sent to the Washington Examiner. “Nice to see Mike highlighting some of our many achievements!”
The advisory board for Advancing American Freedom will be made up of multiple Trump administration officials such as Kellyanne Conway and Larry Kudlow.
Pence should have thought about that the day he certified the fraudulent vote. We would not be going through all this crap. His fault.
So true… I was most disappointed with Mike Pence… JoeBama is destroying our country and I blame people like Mike Pence, SCJ and all the courts for not hearing the cases on voter fraud…Mike Lindell has evidence and proof of Dominion voting fraud… too bad we are no longer a country of Laws.. because people are fearful of BLM, and Antifa we are now a country of mob rule..
A 3rd World Banana Country.
The ppl out number BLM and Antifa matter of factly we put number them all.
Don’t want any turn coats et all
It’s time for this communist joe Biden Kameltoe Harris BULLSHEET TO CEASE TO EXIST TIME for a revolutionary war !!
Truth maybe the only way to make the ppls point
But i heard something about the “Blue Helmets”…who would they be…china??
So true Fran, I don’t know why ihe voting fraud can’t be proven cause then Trump would be president which would mean all the dem clowns…even rinos… would be impeached… some in prision hopefully..but even as dire as it seems GOD ALMIGHTY IS STILL ON THE THRONE<>< Believers need to take our stand against the evil that is killing our free country and our childern…IN THE NAME OF JESUS the CHRIST<><
I read that article and there are TONS of other facts popping up. One state mailed out 1.7 million ballots but 2.5 were returned. Several judges now come forth stating that illegal actions were taken in changing voter laws. Why now?
It will be very difficult to repel socialism/communism without a SCOTUS that will do its job.
Well said, the supreme court was definitely afraid of Obama’s “community organizing”
And it still is.
Truth I only trust President Trump
Donald J. Trump was the greatest President in my lifetime. He ACHIEVED more than any President EVER.
Sadly, the brain dead liberals in the country do not deal with facts. Their low intelligence makes them susceptible to the propaganda and nonsense that the Democrat Political Party spews everyday.
What does amaze me is how these people can listen to or watch Dementia Joe and feel good about their vote. Oh well, like the saying goes: “You can’t fix stupid!”
What else the Democrates are guilty of is Elder abuse, Joe has dementia and telling what else his wife is the worse, who for sure is in Harris’ and Pelosi ‘s pockets…my opion 🙂
Once satin digs his claws in you your a goner there is no coming back unless it’s a God intervention
NO!!!! 1000 times NO! No Judas Pence! There are many true patriots to choose from. We don’t need the betrayer-in-veep! Go home, Pence, and buy something with your 30 pieces of silver!
Pence will be charged with treason and he knows it. This is his way to get ahead of the story to ward off treason. Won’t work!!!!
We need as many conservatives as possible whether we like it or not. We need to stand together if we’re ever going to win.
I have thought about this quit a bit. No matter who would be President as a conservative would have to be thick skinned, very focused on the best plan for America, under God and His blessing, strong, brave, consistent as the democrats and the media will forever try to destroy our United States of America Under God and our Constitution. Do you see where I am going? Only one man that I have witnessed would and should be the perfect person to be that leader. However, we have quite a few of powerful people to come along side to battle this fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic BY THE PEOPLE. Donald J. Trump who proved he could and did stand up for our country, for us, and our Allies. Join with him for our survival. I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ save our country and Bless this Land once again as there are alot of Christians our here who love Him. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
But not Pence aka Judas. Nowhere is such a person ever needed!
You must forgive Pence for what you think was wrong, or you will not be forgiven on Judgement day!
Never trust Pence. He has proven himself to be a RINO and in bed with the demoncrats.
I am shocked that former vice president Mike Pence being a has not recognize the signs in the world today. I’m sorry VP Pence but we’re not going to make it to another election 2021 is the year the rapture and the year the Antichrist appears. 2028 will be the end of the world as we know it. That’s why I haven’t donated any money to the Republican party this year, because I know we’re not going to have another election. I know I’m not going to be here I’m going to be with my Lord and Savior. If you have not accepted Christ yet and you want to go to heaven you need to call out to Christ and accept Jesus as your lord and savior, confess your sins to him and believe he died on that cross for you. Believe that he shared his innocent blood to wash your sins away same as the whole world for anybody that wants to join him. Believe his father raised him from the grave and had victory over death took his son back to Heaven once you do that you will be signed, sealed and Sanctified until the day of redemption at which time you will be glorified and taken to heaven for the 7 year tribulation. Then you will live Jesus and God forever.
Your claim that the world will come to an end in 2021 as the rapture is false. Mark 13:32 “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the son, but the Father.” When you make claims like that it negates everything else you are saying. Are you really saved? That’s the ultimate question.
ONLY God knows the date of the Rapture. I wouldn’t put all my eggs in this basket!
Your message of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ is good and commendable, but your statements about setting times for the end of the world, the appearance of the Antichrist and the Rapture are not in alignment with God’s word in Mark 13:32 as mentioned by the poster below. There’s no reason to go there. Only the Father knows that info and we can see the seasons and the events of the world bringing us closer to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, but making predictions are unbiblical. That’s what cults do, ie, Jehovah Witnesses back in 1874 and then 1914. Don’t dilute your good news message with settings times for Christ’s return.
I agree with everything you said, except you are forgetting one thing. The Word of God is very clear when it say ” No man knows when Jesus will return.”
Pence is a yellow belly coward POC. If he had done thr right thing, Trump may have won. Pence chickened out, as I knew he would. I NEVER trusted him, Graham,Romney, or McCain. it was just a matter of time before he knifed Trump.
And if he had done the right thing, he would have ben the next POTUS in 2024. Now the snake is DONE.
I doubt that Pence could have changed the outcome, but that he didn’t try was very telling. Who would ever trust him?
Right on!!!
Pence is part of the Deep State Swamp!
However, it was all to be as it has really exposed the depravity of the dirty dems and the fact there was massive election fraud. This is truly a miracle as it has revealed tons of exculpatory evidence of criminals behavior.
It sounds nice, but Pence has not explained why he scuttled Trump’s last chance to keep Biden out of the White House by deliberately failing to carry out the process, completely legal, to challenge the election results. As a result he gave other Republicans an excuse to call Trump a liar for saying the election was tainted by massive fraud. It was the judicial system who primarily failed, by not completing legal challenges. Especially bad was the SCOTUS decision NOT to hear the suit against several states, apparently because Roberts was afraid of a riot if they even heard the case. So we are adrift in a leaky skiff with a crew of Democrats, AND NO Supreme Court!
Come on we really don’t know what’s going on! Who knows who’s running this country! Those are sealed secrets! There is a lot of them! Let’s just go for it right now that pence wants this…not really a thing to lose…we have been through the ringer already what’s the big deal! Trump is very smart and he can see through you! That’s why he speaks out so much….but all in all he did no damage to this country or any other!much unlike sneaky Biden that son of a bitch! Go trump and pence! Work to better the USA .
I know it will happen …..I just have a good feeling about us conservatives! 🇺🇸🌈
Sorry, Pence. Go away. We are not interested in your rhetoric.
Every screw-up Biden makes, every unskilled, Third World illegal immigrant he lets into the United States, every trillions of dollars he adds to the national debt, every blunder he makes on the world stage in front of other world leaders, every inaction he takes as far as out-of-control urban crime, every executive action he signs instead of attempting to work in a bi-partisan fashion, every dumb thing he says… he does it to keep all democrat voters satisfied!!!!!!!!
Sorry Mike! You caved, and sold out America! You need to go away and stay far from President Trump, to not ruin 2024!
Pence is weak. He proved it!
The secretary of state in Michigan had a judge say mailing out ballots was illegal. She faces no trial. Why? So you see pence has some weaknesses that I don’t like
Don’t know about Pence. I still think he joined the “DeepState”. And what was it that was palmed to him by jobama?
The Rinos have totally betrayed this country, they let all these bad things that are happening be implemented by the Biden Administration by denying the stollen election, including the dangerous open borders, human trafficking, cancelling the Keystone Pipeline, and re-igniting Iran deals and ties with China who wants us destroyed. Guess we will find out if all the rinos think selling their souls for more power and wealth was worth it. They know President Trump was overwhelmingly elected by the American people, but decided their ambitions and their goals were more important than any of us.
If President Trump is considering Mike to honorably represent the will of the people on our American continent, he will be putting a thorn in his own side. Mike slapped our nation and our president down. He slapped God in the face and handed our lives over to satanic enemies, to abuse and bury. Traitors can’t be trusted and Mike’s earned himself the tin can door prize. He drank Americas blood from Satan’s cup. Now he wants back in to assure our American blood remains on his table. He want’s back in to fill his empty cup and profit from the bleed out.The “gravy” for his dinner plate.We haven’t forgotten and will never forget the lives of our families you sold out, while cleansing yourself in their blood. Disgraceful, is putting it mildly. If he couldn’t see this horror show coming, then what else didn’t he bother to look at? or is willing to look at now? Mike and his tin can award should be kicked down the road and into a dead end dumpster along side his colleagues, Coyote Joe and Kamala Obama. President Trump should distance himself from his once trusted enemies.We learned who’s who in the house of hens.we’ve been the victims of. Hasn’t President Trump? Pence gave us the finger and I’ll be happy to send mine back to him.
Not that I trust Democrats, Republicans or Trump after last year and the beginning of this year since someone could have called for a Hundred Thousand armed people to show up at the White House by Jan. 18 we aren’t bowing out . But as of right now is more relevant then Twitter since people have figured out that Twitter is the Mein Kampf site just in the left direction going Goebbels level propaganda. Which is why Trump is on right now and most likely will be the big cheer leader of recall Newsom, recall Cuomo movements because imagine just one Trump supporter candidate win either recall election in either Deep blue state . Which means Facebook may be forced to prove it’s relevance since it’s the don’t recall social site. Interesting notion to pop up.
Interesting…time will tell. More interesting events to come! Trump & Pence…again? Hmmm?
I can certainly understand how many people feel about Mike Pence, however I think Pence is a good person and in trying to do the right thing he made a huge mistake. He should have known & realized there is nothing good about the Socialist/Communist Party and they will cheat anyway they can and they do not care about people. I think their plan is good. They will need to do a couple of things. They will need to hold a daily Press Conference and address the the things the Left is doing each day. And discuss what Trump did in each case to help the people and what needs to be done now to protect the Country. The phony press will have to attend and comment in their News Media.
REMEMBER that Trump is NOT a politician! Trump has a “set of values” that ALL politicians HATE!”When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, & I “know” that Trump has learned that, unfortunately, too late.However, he’s no dumbbell & will NOW fight “fire with fire”! The MAN is “no quitter” OR “loser” & he will give his ALL to get America back on the right track! No matter how many times “they” TRY to bring him down, he’s like the Phoenix & will RISE above the “fake” news, the political hack-jobs,the LIES, & you name it! God chose him for a reason. All America has “to Do” is support him, “if” we want to get our “rights” BACK!
Republicans and Rinos: Get it in your heads, we are not voting for Pence again. This country’s demise is because of a stollen election that he refused to listen to and allowed the scheme at the Capitol to shut up the truth!