Liberal Judge Rules in Favor of AZ GOP, 2020 Election Audit Will Move Forward

Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Daniel Martin, a Democrat, ruled in favor of the Arizona Republican Party allowing the 2020 election audit to move forward. Judge Martin dismissed Democrat’s restraining order which attempted to pause Arizona’s audit of over 2 million 2020 election ballots saying there isn’t enough evidence presented to show that voters would be harmed by the audit procedures.

The Daily Wire reports:

The AP outlined: “The Arizona Democratic Party and Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Gallego tried to halt the audit by filing an emergency restraining order last Thursday, a day before the count was supposed to begin. The lawsuit alleged Republican Senate President Karen Fann and another GOP senator promised a judge that they would protect the secrecy of the ballots and voter privacy. The lawsuit also alleges that Fann and Sen. Warren Peterson’s assurances were ‘illusory’ because they’ve outsourced the recount to an ‘inexperienced third party with clear bias.’”

“The temporary pause fell through Friday evening, however, after the Arizona Democratic Party said it would not post the $1 million bond that the judge requested to cover any expenses that the Senate faced caused by the halt,” the report added.

Additionally, Judge Martin ruled that Cyber Ninjas, the third party group conducting the vote audit, must make their procedures public, barring a successful appeal on Thursday. Cyber Ninjas had filed a motion on Sunday to keep their methods private.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge has *denied* Cyber Ninjas request to have their processes for the #azaudit done under seal,” reported Fox 10’s Matt Galka, adding, “This means the processes have to be made public. Judge has stayed the order until tomorrow at noon, giving Cyber Ninjas time to appeal.”

The Arizona Secretary of State’s office was also given permission to review the audit.

Former President Trump also released a statement celebrating the win.

“BIG victory today in Arizona. A highly respected Judge has just ruled that the Forensic Audit being done by the Arizona State Senate can and will continue. Over 100 Democrat lawyers were sent to fight against this audit. The results will be very interesting for the USA and the World to see! Why are the Democrats fighting so hard to hide the facts? I know why, and so does everyone else!” Trump wrote.

  1. The voters would be harmed by the audit ?? That’s a good one.. The Dim’s would be hurt by the audit, and they know it…

    1. It’s too late to save the voters from harm, for they were extremely harmed by the vote counting, Dominion voting machines, and the massive voter fraud done by the Democrats that were in control of any polling places and the counting of any votes, both by mail-in ballots and tabulations from Dominion voting machines.

      I never thought that any voter fraud this massive and pervasive could ever be hidden from the American people, but I had no idea how strong the Democrats hold is on our justice systems and judges really were, and how the Democrats could intimidate good, but cowardly judges into dereliction of their duties of applying justice for all, equally in the USA, and instead they just refused to get involved in correcting the obvious injustices the Democrats were perpetrating on the American people with all this massive voter fraud, stealing the American people’s choices for who there elected leaders would be.

      1. I have lived in California since 1960 and this state has had a one party since. They win every election. They cheat all the times and their precious illegals and dead people always pushed them over the limit to win. That is why we have the biggest mess in all these liberal states and why they made us sanctuary for criminals. They do not care how many crimes illegals commit the see them as a vote for their candidates. Look at every liberal state they are all a mess and a haven for crime and illegals.

        1. Many folks I knew are now residents of other states, primarily RED States. The RED States are the place to live. I keep wondering when the RED States realize how much power they really have. If they all joined each other, they’d be unstoppable.

          1. I reside in gagachusetts and cannot wait to move to New Hampshire where they respect the constitution and freedom. Fed up with Demonrats.

      2. that’s why Trump was trying to clean the swamp! unfortunately the swamp is too big yet we good Citizens must obey and follow the rules!!!!!1

    1. Where is the Justice? Where indeed? Where was the Supreme Court re: voter fraud? Where was Bill Barr’s Justice Dept. that failed to serve this great nation? Where was the FBI who refused to have Hillary brought to justice? Where is Durham – where is he? All of these – collect a pay check from US taxpayers but are derelict in their duty! There is no justice.

    2. Justice is dead in America.They will not allow justice because we are a communist country now and justice is only for the democrats and condemnation for republicans.

    1. Maybe, just maybe, the Holy Spirit is working on them. You do know that He is drawing men to the Father through the saving blood of Jesus Christ yet today. May not look like it, but it’s still happening, even in these callous times.

  2. Wow, an honest liberal judge, who would have thought. Yay for AZ. I hope this will help prove what so many of us already know- that Biden did not win the election. Although what they can do at this point, I haven’t a clue. At least for sure, it should be enough to show proof you are eligible to vote before casting that vote. Stop the fraud.

    1. The Biden Admin can be removed from the WHITE HOUSE UNDER violation of the Constitution. Fraud and a very other crimes

      1. ONLY ONE THING CAN CORRECT THIS! And failure to do it was POTUS Trump’s one BIG failure. Immediate upon being elected POTUS, CLEAN HOUSE!!!!! People in unelected positions “serve at the pleasure of the President. Trumpfailed to do that – he even promoted some of his political enemies into more powerful and prestigious positions – and it came back ti bite his butt.

    2. This is crazy but why can’t we check the vote against the census. To vote in the 2022 election you have to be born in 2004 so the 2010 census would cover the people who are old enough to vote. Also, unlike the 2020 census for which there was no check for non-citizen, the 2010 census does identify non-citizens. Problem is when aliens come here legally and become citizens if it is after 2010 hey would not be on the census.

    1. There is a website you can go to watch the entire audit process from AZ. It’s on camera & tape 24/7 until the end of the audit.

  3. They want it stopped so they don’t get caught with the greatest fraudulent election results in US history!

  4. Anybody who STILL believes the Nov. 2020 election was free and fair needs to seek psychiatric help…immediately.

  5. I hope that this is not a to little to late situation.
    Unfortunately, they’ve had time to mess with stuff so things come out their (dems) way.
    If anyone watched joe last night, hopefully you’ve realized what a bumpy road we’re in for?

  6. By ignoring the rigged election how can you even say we have a constitution,how can you name a person president when you know there was fraud can’t believe the constitution depends on having a president that was not elected!!!!! They need to fix this before there is a riot we are sick of this BS!!!!!

  7. Why would anyone try to avoid an audit? Probably because they have a lot to hide and they don’t want it disclosed.

  8. Get them all to run a complete audit and kick that old man outta our house before they destroy this country. Please God help us stop the crazy people from ruining America.

  9. Governor nuisance in CA in the process of getting recalled. Cuomo, Whitmer and Murphy, governors of NY, MI, NJ are in hot water and under going investigation. GOP slowly gaining more House seats. And now a liberal judge has given the green light for the AZ audit. LIBERAL judge!! He must be so disgusted at Biden’s piss-poor progress as “POTUS”. All this tells me is that God is on the move and we have a chance to save this country

      1. Keep praying Janet. I just heard the feds raided Giuliani’s apt looking for “evidence”. It sounds bad but it’s a sign Robinette and his lackeys are running scared. The truth will sooon be exposed

  10. Where is GOP leadership and rhinos? Mitch McConnell and all GOP leadership should be calling for election audit in all 5 states that stop counting election nite.
    Here are the real deep state people who set this election up to let democrats attack Trump and steal 2020 election. Mitch McConnell, Cornyn, Linsey Graham and all GOP leadership in senate,Paul Ryan let 2018 congress election be stolen! Never has 40 congress people retired from GOP same year.
    John Roberts Supreme Court Chief Justice, FBI director Wray and all agents, CIA director and all her agents, DOJ Barr and all his lawyers. All working for US Chamber of Commerce Bush family Globalist, big tech , Communist China money. Start investigation all these people work against What is good for Americans, international corporations what China & India 3 billion people to get to middle class. America only has 325 million people.
    It’s all money!! Washington DC is totally corrupted.

  11. I’m rather surprised that ‘some people’ EXPECT “all” Judges to be political activists. As President Trump discovered, Justices he appointed did exactly what they are supposed to do — interpret the law!! While there are some ‘ringers’ who place politics FIRST, that certainly IS NOT the job of a Judge — they are supposed to INTERPRET, not MAKE law. Unfortunately, the democrat party does NOT share this opinion — they seem to be looking for judicial activists to “pack the Supreme Court” to MAKE law the way they want!!

  12. When the amount of voter fraud initiated by the Democrat party is brought to light. I hope this will encourage other questionable voter results in other states will be allowed to audit their vote count, Transparency and integrity must be a cornerstone in our elections. Only American citizens have the soul right to vote and have fair, open and honest elections. 

    1. All great talk at this point,but JUST TALK.How many are prepared to do what’s necessary to take our country back?And is it worth it?Half the country is too lazy and/or selfish to do anything just as long as they get free shit.So at this point only SOME will sacrifice so ALL will benefit.So stop the TALK and DO SOMETHING! Stay on your federal,state and local politician’s asses,VOICE your OPINION,DEMAND ANSWERS,EXPECT RESULTS. Otherwise WE’RE DONE!You want America back or not?

  13. If the legal system doesn’t feel the integrity of our election is of any importance then they won’t feel our constitutional rights are of any importance either. Then the demOrats anarchy socialism agenda will get a free pass

  14. President Trump is the one who should rightfully be in the White House right now serving his second term! the imposter biden is a disgrace

  15. They always fall back on JR High School mentality when confronted and caught in a lie. Oh let them recount them, dirty Republican votes they arent enough to turn things over. Biden didnt pay them enough to lie for them.

  16. After this Forensic Audit, the world will know how much cheating democrats did in that presidential election. If president Trump won that Arizona state, all he needs is 2 more forensic audit from either Pennsylvania and Georgia or Nevada and that cement the result that he won that election. WOE to Biden who already sits as the U.S. president. He will soon abdicate that position and it very painful and shameful to the world as the first U.S. president won BY CHEATING OF HIS FOLLOWERS. The first U.S. president in U.S. history to lose his presidency.

  17. If the bulb party had nothing to hide they wouldn’t fight so hard to stop the audit. Throw open the door and let the light in and you will see the rats scurrying to their hiding place. We know and that includes the bulb party the election was a total fraud and so much illegal behavior was witnessed, reported, but the so-called justice system protected the ones who pulled off the fraud. President Trump is the winner and should be installed as President. joey needs to go back to his basement in Delaware.

  18. The “procedures & results” must be made public, ehh, isn’t that what audits are for? Or are demon(c)rats planning to ‘rig each & every election’ from this time forth…and for evermore❓🥸

  19. Sure they will audit the election after all the records are destroyed so they can say there was no crime involved.

  20. Democraps are like stepford wives.
    All cut from the same cloth and always wanting to convert Republicans

  21. I would be hurt if we cannot move forward with the audit. We all need the truth if there was no cheating then there is no reason to not move forward with it.


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