Biden’s America: A Weak Economy and COVID-19 Failure

Gage Skidmore Flickr

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For months, Americans have been sold a bag of goods. COVID-19 restrictions are necessary, Washington, D.C. elites said, to “flatten the curve” and ease the burden on hospitals. Short-term lockdowns are crucial, they said, because we need to minimize the spread of the coronavirus in the long run.

Well, what about now? The original argument for restrictions and lockdowns has evolved from assisting the U.S. healthcare system into a global effort to control the jobs, finances, and lives of hundreds of millions of human beings. The COVID-19 totalitarianism of today is a globalist agenda that restricts individual liberty and removes the agency of the 99 percent.

Unelected bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci have little to no respect for individual Americans, made all too clear in his recent clash with Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). Dodging questions about China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology—where the virus most likely originated—and its connection to U.S. funding, Dr. Fauci is clearly the wrong man for the job.

Yet, while Dr. Fauci is singular in his COVID-19 paranoia, his failure is shared. In Michigan, the pandemic wreaked havoc on the state’s labor market due to Governor Whitmer’s laundry list of onerous regulations, yet more open states run by Republican governors fared significantly better in terms of COVID-19 transmission. Democratic governors like Whitmer continue to show the entire world their hypocrisy by bucking their own COVID-related rules.

Most importantly, President Biden has taken failure to a whole new level. Despite the wide-ranging availability of vaccines and rapid progress of vaccination, the Biden administration refuses to share any details on the end of mask-wearing and social distancing. Even though mass vaccination is the logical endpoint to COVID-19 restrictions, Biden officials seem all too satisfied with prolonging the pandemic indefinitely.

Despite being vaccinated himself and interacting with vaccinated people, President Biden continues to wear masks indoors and outdoors. (Dr. Fauci suggests wearing masks forever.) Then there’s the draconian Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which recently urged people at summer camps to wear masks outdoors, even if they’re vaccinated or as young as two years old

Is that “scientific”? Of course not. Here’s the truth: More than half of the U.S. population has been vaccinated, including an overwhelming majority of the most vulnerable Americans. By definition, they are now protected. Yet there is now a nationwide propaganda campaign to vaccinate children and force them to wear masks, even outside.

What is the “science” to support the CDC’s draconian agenda? By the CDC’s own count, fewer than 300 Americans aged 17 years or younger have died with the coronavirus. COVID-19 totalitarianism is no longer about “public health.”

At the same time, President Biden is currently presiding over one of the worst jobs reports in recent memory. Last month, only 266,000 new positions were added to the U.S. economy—a quarter of the number expected. The economy is doing so poorly that the president (yes, the recluse named Joe Biden) held an emergency press conference on Monday to save face. But he has no real answers.

It doesn’t help that the Biden administration’s only economic proposals involve spending trillions of dollars and hiking taxes to do it. After signing the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill—laden with work disincentives—in March, President Biden essentially slapped the business community in the face. U.S. job openings have soared to a record 8.1 million, as employers can’t find enough employees to hire.

Business recovery is on hold for no reason. Economic recovery is delayed unnecessarily. Yet, despite the vaccine miracle, Americans are no closer to a return to “normal.”

It’s not like President Biden inherited crisis after crisis. Under President Trump, the U.S. economy was booming after the initial downturn caused by the pandemic. The Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed made mass vaccination possible in April, as predicted by President Trump last fall. Long before President Biden took office, Americans were receiving vaccines. His “goals” were only possible because of President Trump laying the groundwork.

Yet President Biden turned what should be the end of the COVID-19 pandemic into a crisis in itself. The Biden administration—driven by globalist aims—has failed on multiple fronts, weakening the U.S. economy and slamming Americans with hypocritical inconsistency on the pandemic. Only in Republican-led states is there any semblance of normality.

If there is any hope, it rests in the American people. When our leaders fail us, we can only hope that the American spirit will shine light at the end of a dark tunnel. President Biden certainly won’t.

Retired Colorado State Senator Ted Harvey has always had a passion for protecting the Constitution and the unborn, while promoting the free-market principle which have resulted in America’s unmatched exceptionalism. At the age of 22, Ted received a political appointment to serve in the White House of President Ronald Reagan, which ignited his passion for traditional conservatism. Ted’s patriotic work continues today. He was a founding member and Chairman of the Stop Hillary PAC, re-named the Committee to Defend the President following the election of President Trump in 2016. It was one of the largest pro-Trump super PACs in the country: Under Ted’s leadership, the Committee spent more than $20 million in Independent Expenditures to support Republican causes, while contributing over $509,000 directly to Republican candidates and incumbents. Ted will continue leading the charge, now as the opposition to Biden-Harris’ reckless liberal policies under the re-branded name, the Committee to Defeat the President.

  1. So, you’re going with a “Biden weak economy”? That’s funny!

    From your Washington Times

    Productivity rebounds at solid 5.4% rate in first quarter

    WASHINGTON (AP) – U.S. productivity posted a sharp rebound between January and March after falling in the previous quarter. Labor costs declined slightly.

    Productivity increased at an annual rate of 5.4% in the first quarter, recovering from a 3.8% rate of decline in the fourth quarter of last year, the Labor Department reported Thursday. Labor costs fell at a 0.3% rate in the first quarter following a 5.6% jump in the fourth.

  2. Y’all have stolen the American leadership and given us a weak ass administration, and now trying to shove more crap down our throats, THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE WILL PREVAIL.


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