High Profile Dem Announces Challenge to Marco Rubio

(Miami - Flórida, 09/03/2020) Presidente da República Jair Bolsonaro durante encontro com o Senador Marco Rubio..Foto: Alan Santos/PR

Florida Rep. Val Demmings has officially launched her campaign to challenge Florida Senator Marco Rubio, becoming the most high profile Democrat to challenge the incumbent senator yet. The House Rep. previously served as an impeachment manager in Trump’s first impeachment trial. Demmings also has a strong record of voting alongside the progressive “Squad” of Democrats and Nancy Pelosi since being elected to Congress.

Fox News reports:

In an interview with the Orlando Sentinel, Demings acknowledged she’s in for a “tough fight” against the two-term senator and former presidential candidate, but called out Rubio for voting against coronavirus relief aid this year, which included another round of stimulus checks. She said she’d stand up against laws that suppress voting and discriminate against transgender youth and would vote to eliminate the Senate filibuster to protect “basic rights.”

“We are dealing with some critical issues,” Demings told the paper. “And we need bold, courageous leaders to deal with those issues. And the bottom line is, too many times Marco Rubio did not show up. And when he did, he did not have enough courage to fight for Florida.”

After announcing her campaign, Sen. Rubio slammed the move saying that Floridians will not elect a Socialist to the Senate.

“None of them will admit to being a socialist,” Rubio told Fox News in a recent interview. “She probably won’t. But she certainly has voted for socialist things.”

“How can you vote with ‘the Squad’ 94% of the time and argue that you’re not an honorary member of that group? How can you vote with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time and argue that you’re not a far-left, liberal extremist? So she’ll have to answer to that,” the senator emphasized as he seemingly pointed to congressional voting record data from the independent, nonprofit news organization ProPublica.

Demmings faces a tough battle against the two-term senator and former presidential candidate. Rubio’s campaign manager slammed the Democrat’s voting record noting she has supported efforts to defund the police and has openly opposed recent voting laws in Florida.

  1. Val Demings should work at fixing the Democrat Political Party before she starts running for the Senate. Her political party is a mess.

  2. Demings is a Dummy or just out of touch with WE THE PEOPLE. Democrats, in general, think Americans are too stupid to see the truth. The truth is WE THE PEOPLE are fed up with the Democraps. Everything the squad has endorsed is anti American and Demings is no different. She has NO CHANCE against Marco unless she uses the dominion machines or commits fraud some other way. My money is on Marco!

  3. The Dem party is gonzo. All of these people coming in from Central America are “usually” Catholic & their Faith is “what” keeps them going.”They” have been through a lot in their own countries & see America as a panacea. Yes, they will accept financial help, but NEVER will “they” give up their religion, OR their identity OR their flag. “What” they will DO is fight for all the freedoms that they “escaped”. America is their HOPE I doubt “if” they’ll buy this Dem “nonsense”, since “they” are NOT indoctrinated & “think” for themselves, which is “WHY” they came to AMERICA!

  4. Where in this world, do you call Val Demming a high profile Democrat? In the state of Florida she is hardly known and those folks who do know her, can’t stand her, Most Floridians don’t even know who she is! This race should be a landslide for Rubio…The good thing we get rid of a Fl Democrat Rep. from congress.

    1. I pray NOT. The good news is, if she runs and loses, she’ll be out of a job and out of the house?

  5. I didn’t have to read the article. When I saw her name, told me everything I needed to know.
    This woman of dark color is a communist through and through. Have no idea how she was leader of a police force. Oh, never mind. Her pigmentation. Marco, get on with it and send her packing. I’ll be making a contribution to his campaign.

  6. I hope that like me, even many Democrats are growing sick and tired of The Squaw Squad and their sick, self-absorbed antics and posturing, fiddling away while Rome around them burns.

  7. could the Republicans supply an American First opponent and challenge “bubble pool” boy Rubio, You never know what flag he will be flying?


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