Trump Endorses Murkowski Challenger

Gage Skidmore via Flickr

As promised, former President Trump is throwing his influence and endorsement behind Alaskan Senator Lisa Murkowski’s challenger. Friday afternoon Trump officially released a statement endorsing Kelly Tshibaka for U.S. Senate after Murkowski voted to impeach Trump.

“Lisa Murkowski is bad for Alaska. Her vote to confirm Biden’s Interior Secretary was a vote to kill long sought for, and approved, ANWR, and Alaska jobs. Murkowski has got to go! Kelly Tshibaka is the candidate who can beat Murkowski—and she will. Kelly is a fighter who stands for Alaska values and America First,” Trump writes. “She is MAGA all the way, pro-energy, strong on the Border, tough on Crime and totally supports our Military and our great Vets. Kelly is a powerful supporter of the Second Amendment and JOBS! I look forward to campaigning in Alaska for Kelly Tshibaka. She has my Complete and Total Endorsement!”

The Hill reports:

Tshibaka first launched her campaign against Murkowski in late March, saying that the Republican incumbent no longer represents the values held by the GOP base.

“I am running for the Senate to represent our conservative Alaska values,” Tshibaka said at the time. “We’re going to defeat Lisa Murkowski and show the DC insiders what happens when Alaska has strong conservative leadership!”

While Murkowski has not yet formally launched a reelection campaign, she will be no electoral slouch if she runs for another term.

She lost the GOP primary in 2010 to a Tea Party-backed candidate but went on to win the general election as a write-in candidate.

So far, Tshibaka is the only Republican challenger to announce a campaign against Murkowski.

    1. Ok, are the people of Alaska that much behind her that they don’t see her EVIL ways?
      Ok Alaska, wise up.

  1. We’re done with you Murkowski!! I pray Alaska will shout that loud and clear when she’s up for re-election, should she decide to run. My guess is, she will. I imagine speaking out of both sides of her mouth as she did so often, was intended to pander for votes from moderates on the left. Hopefully they can see through her like so many of us do!! No loyalty. 🙁

  2. Lisa Murkowski is a piece of garbage that has proven that she can not be trusted. I hope the good people of Alaska voter her out of office.

  3. Murkowski.has to go! She is an undependable sell-out to any Democrat group that pays her enough. She is a crooked Republican – like ALL crooked Democrats.

  4. Good for President Trump! She deserves
    it. Every critical vote by the Senate, we, always,
    expect Romney, Murkowski, and Collins to
    vote with the Democrats. RINOS!

  5. Maybe they should have checked the write in ballots to make sure they were legal. She’s a democRAT at heart and we know how corrupt they are when it comes to voting.


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