NY Prosecutors Give Trump Org Attorneys Monday Deadline

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons

New York prosecutors have reportedly given Trump Organization attorneys a Monday deadline to make a case as to why the organization should not face criminal charges.

The Hill reports:

Last week, it was reported that the Manhattan district attorney’s office was considering bringing criminal charges against the Trump Organization as a whole and against executive Allen WeisselbergThe New York Times reported that Trump’s attorneys had made an appeal to prosecutors from the district attorney’s office to not file charges against the company.

Two sources close to the matter told the Post that Trump Organization attorneys now have until Monday to make a case as to why the charges shouldn’t be filed.

The investigation by the Manhattan district attorney’s office has to do with the company’s financial dealings and whether it inflated the value of some assets to deceive lenders and insurers. The charges against Weisselberg would reportedly be over tax issues.

Last month, the New York attorney general’s office announced that the investigation, which initially had been civil in nature, had been expanded to a “criminal capacity” as well.

Former President Trump has repeatedly slammed the investigation as a “witch hunt.” Democrat Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Jr. is working alongside New York Attorney General Letitia James, who is also a Democrat. So far no charges have been filed.

  1. If these charges prove to be as false as all the others, Trump should countersue them for legal persecution, and triple damages from SDNY. That scumbag of a DA should go to prison for this abuse of power.

    1. Totally agree! These demoncrats will do anything to hurt our dear President Trump…he did nothing wrong. The crooks in this whole thing are the accusers..they are rotten demoncrats and hate our dear President Trump. May God Bless and protect him and throw these morons in prison!!!!!

    2. The problem is they hide behind the doctrine of Sovereign immunity – the later is what protects the corrupt from going to Jail.
      That’s why the bribe witnesses to get false testimony, and cn withold evidence of innocence and nothing is done to the prosecutors even when it is later discovered innocent people re wrongfully executed.

  2. That is just absolutely asinine! Those prosecutors need to be criminally charged with harassment and gross abuse of their powers!!!

  3. A value of property or appraised value is just an opinion. There is no loss to a lender if you are not delinquent on your payments, so what’s their beef.

    1. Their beef is with the fact President Trump won 2020 and they don’t want him to resume his office or win 2024.

      1. Bingo! It’s this stuff that worries me if he decides to run again. The media is all giddy that Barr came out against the President.

  4. These two are as crooked as the day is long. This is harassment – pure and simple and everybody can see it. It should not be allowed. Americans deserve better than this.

  5. The Left Hitler S.S. Are Against Trump Again With Their Rotten Lawiers And Judges Again. The Left Want,s Hitlers Thousand Year Rich To flurishe Because They Are Garbage The Same Hitler.

  6. Thus we as conservatives cannot pick our elections since Democrats use tax payer monies to get witch hunts against them. Endless and it continues, while we were told we are not allowed one single federal investigation into a rigged election we actually watched on T.V. news? Blow smoker up our fannies Bill Barr the load why gave us the Durham bogus investigation into the Obama failed coup never released finding ? Now this same pile of poop, say there was no evidence if voter fraud, because he asked the corrupt FBI leadership that created a one party secret police goon squad force, and these lying sacks of crap who said no evidence. Yup, I trust these assholes, while the real heroes our state, county, city, and municipal cops are attacked daily by the same loads who rigged the elections. That election was rigged if propaganda brain washing news that lied to us since Obama says there was no rigged election, thst proves it was rigged they never stop lying.

  7. The DA and AG are not fit to hold their respective office and should be impeached. This is a political witch hunt, and never has been an issue before. Trump Organization is being targeted because of Democrats Political posturing and nothing more. They’ve been generous to the city and have a history of assisting the Rainbow Coalition, and other low income housing projects, as well as giving money to victims of 9/11, and paid for the entire Fire Departments Funerals, as well as helping with cleanups.
    When Donald J Trump became a Republican President this is what happened. If he’d have run as a Democrat nothing like this would have transpired. KGB tactics from the LEFTISTS.

  8. Sorry my grammar is terrible, too upset and should not given a comment . We were not allowed a single federal investigation into the election fraud we watched on T.V. However democrats never are denied tax money to investigate Tump, now state and attorney generals use tax dollars to have more witch hunts at our expense? We no longer get fear elections, as no democrats were arrested in the proven Obama coup on Trump however the bogus Mueller witch hunt fir 48 million delivered unrelated arrests fir crimes not tied to election on Trump associates. The democrats under Obama filled cabinet agencies with a fifth column deep state sleeping cells now awakened under our illegal communist dictatorship. Barr created the Durham investigation that delivered nothing, he did use his bagpipes to blow smoke up our fannies.never has such evil ruled over this republic nor given a death sentence by an illegal federal executive branch and majority in congress.

  9. After covid a lot of assets dropped in value. You go buy what the last valuation was before covid hit.

  10. I have never seen the massive amount of harassment that Trump has had to endure since he ran for President. It is just unfathomable. The radical left is absolutely terrified of him. They have done everything to try and ruin Trump and anyone associated with him. We now can see what the left wants to do since they have taken power. They want to destroy our country, tear it down and replace our Constitution with Marxism. I pray they will not be successful.

  11. According to the biden administration this is intimidation and so Vance and James should be prosecuted.

  12. New York State — the biggest SCAM STATE IN THE UNION! That DA is reaching for the stars swirling in his own empty head! No one should believe his lies because 1) he’s a blooming immoral Demonrat and 2) All demonrats are intimidated by the fact that DJT could be back in the White House very soon and will do ANYTHING to stop him!

    Dems are panicking!!!! They are doing everything possible to destroy DJT’s reputation so no American will vote for him in 2024! Good luck with that! The only Americans that wouldn’t vote for him are dead in the ground, living in mental hospitals, OR idiot demonrats with an IQ of 2!

    BUT, it looks like we may be getting DJT back in the White House sooner than we know — August perhaps?! That idiot desperate NY DA/courts are trying their best to destroy a “living LEGEND” and they can try, but when Americans see WHO actually STOLE OUR ELECTION, that NY DA/Courts are going to have to protect their own heads as heads start rolling from evidence!

    It’s coming! And if our Supreme Court refuses to hear the Stolen Election case with mounds and mounds of evidence…well what is left to save our Nation from the dirt bags who think they can control Americans?
    WAR…CIVIL WAR! Time will tell…be ready.

  13. One look at NY’s DA, and you will know her motivations. Pure hatred!
    Best wishes to President Trump and his team.
    Hopefully, they shall overcome.

  14. It seems that NY City and State Governments are full of corrupt and vicious parasites who are proletarians, i.e. willing subscribers to socialism, BECAUSE they are expert at gaming the system so that they reap the benefits of the revenue and possessions of others. Thereby they never lose in a material sense. But they force their socialism upon others foolish enough to be persuaded or deceived. And the Lord is watching.


  16. Ok folks the Dems do nothing but go after the republicans right. Well I say the republicans need to grow a pair and go after the Dems. For heavens sake we have a third term president give me a break already. Are they all part of the deep state????

  17. Just one more witch hunt for president Trump to add to his collection. These democrats all need to be dismissed. They have created total havoc in our country. Americans. Take back America from the lying democrats. We must do it at the polls

  18. New York’s Atty. General ran her campaign declaring she would prosecute and imprison Donald Trump. She made that declaration despite having no evidence because an investigation had not started. Just another leftist’s ‘guilty until proven innocent’ agenda, not how America’s justice system is supposed to operate!!


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