It’s been a year since MSNBC rewarded controversial host Joy Reid with her own program to push her controversial opinions. Despite declining viewers, Reid has remained as unapologetically bold and brash as ever. While peddling misinformation Reid continues to claims she’s an arbiter of truth against despicable Republicans. Her commentary would be enough to cancel almost anyone else stupid enough to say it out loud yet for some unknown reason Reid is still on the air peddling incendiary and hateful rhetoric.
Click NEXT PAGE to see some of Reid’s worst comments over the past year:
The “SCOTUS reversed the 2000 election during a recount”? That is an outright lie, just like so many things this corrupt leftist sycophant says. The 2000 election always had Bush winning. It was Gore who tried to overturn the election by claiming that “hanging chads” were causing a problem in the count. Just another attempt by the left to cheat. They didn’t get away with it then, but they got away with it in 2020 and we are all going to be hurt by their dirty deeds.
Since the left doesn’t have any respect for life, the unborn, the laws, the constitution, the God of all creation, or the rest of the citizens in America, why should they respect honest elections that hinder their power and greed?
No one believes a word this liar says, that is why she has no viewers, and her show is in the toilet, along with your entire station, like cnn the communistnewsnetwork, in the toilet too, they will never get out of the bottom either.
Yes CNN has lost 70% of their viewers. There was a shot of her running her insulting mouth and it looked like she had snakes in her hair. I was across the room and it wasn’t clear.
“Joyless” is a racist and a homophobe. She is just like her “sister” “Joyless” Behar and the idiots on The View!
Dear Ms. Reid: mandatory update to Instruction Manual: first engage brain, only THEN activate mouth.
You are presupposing she can actually read and process coherent thoughts.
Biden goes on CNN to tell his lies, but nobody is even viewing or listening except for ultra liberals. The same for Joy Reid, people are turning them out and are sick of lies and misinformation.
Lol lol!! She has been cancelled! Declining reviews=cancelled. She just has not gone away as of yet. Like a fly that just keeps annoying you. Lol
She is one of the biggest racists out there. I don’t wish to say the “N” word like in the past, that’s just plain stupid. This is the kind of people the left think should be giving them the news??!!?? They’re all pretty stupid to me. I am an American, not a german american, or a french american, et. al., nor am I an African american. I AM AN AMERICAN! get over it……
Joyless Reid is a petty divisive and hate filled racist.
This is just in the last two weeks right?
Liars need to be fired! Get rid of her.