Twitter Allows Taliban Spokesman on Platform, Bans Trump

While Twitter has permanently banned the former President of the United States the platform is still allowing the Taliban’s spokesman to operate his account without consequence.

According to The Daily Wire:

Twitter is taking heat for banning the former president while allowing Zabihullah Mujahid to use the social media platform to tweet updates on “military units” entering Kabul, Afghanistan. He recently wrote that their “advance is continuing normally.”

Mujahid’s account is not verified but appears authentic. He has more than 287,000 followers and is regularly cited by major news outlets.

Several people posted tweets supposedly written by Majhid, whose bio says, “Official Twitter Account of the Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.”

“Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid says in order to prevent looting and chaos their forces will enter some parts of Kabul and occupy outposts that have been evacuated by security forces. He asks the people to not panic from their entrance into the city,” wrote one person.

On Tuesday, Twitter still refused to join other Big Tech platforms like Facebook in banning the Taliban from sharing content.

Mediaite reports:

Asked on Tuesday whether Twitter would join Facebook, TikTok and other tech companies in banning the terror group, a spokesman for the company sidestepped the question, saying in a statement it would “continue to proactively enforce” its rules on the “glorification of violence, platform manipulation and spam.” The statement also took a moment to sell the company as a communication platform, saying it was “witnessing people in the country using Twitter to seek help and assistance.”

The company added in its statement, “Twitter’s top priority is keeping people safe, and we remain vigilant.”

  1. twitter needs to be shut down. it’s a piece of shit media site which wants to take whoever’s side, which is always wrong. fake news is there platform.

  2. These Marxist/Liberal social media traitors need to be shut own and prosecuted. In the patriotic days of WWII, when there were those that loved our Country, they would not exist, period.

    1. Unfortunately people have gotten hooked on this stuff and would rather take poison or destroy our nation than go cold turkey without their fix of social media. It is human weakness that will lead to their own destruction. Even I still “google” —— “Google”, another evil corporation.

      1. I have said that so many times, john! People are addicted to their phones and social media, and are turning into a bunch of automotons! Nobody wants to actually have two-way conversation anymore, and social media makes it very easy for people to be rude to each other and distance themselves because they’re hidden behind a screen of some kind. I certainly don’t understand it. I opened a Facebook account when it first started, but have only posted on my page four times in all those years! I do go on about once a week to review notifications I’ve received and check up on family and a few friends I rarely see. But have never even considered Twitter or the others — don’t even go to youTube. I have better things to do with my time!

  3. Unbelievable! Post these terrorist and ban
    the “Best President Of The United States”
    in many years! I do not do Twitter and never will!

  4. On a positive note, at least now there’s no longer any doubt that they’re aligned with evil people. With that in mind it makes complete sense that they’d ban Trump and not the Taliban.

    1. Well, that’s how it’s supposed to work — free speech for all, and freedom to choose and make our own choices! But as the demented liberals prove every day, they are slowly chipping away at our freedoms. “Do as I say, and not as I do; freedom for me, but not for thee” — their 24/7 mantra! 🙁

  5. Whats right is wrong. Whats wrong is right. Twitter is a backward liberal site. It should be banned from public view. No respect for the USA, just patriotism for the taliban . Utterly ridiculous.

  6. Twitter should be shut down AND be required to send a billion dollar deposit to Donald Trump’s campaign fund. That won’t begin to repay the damage to the nation and American citizens, but it would be a step in the right direction.

  7. Never one nickel of my money will go to any Twitter advertiser. If everyone who feels the same I’m sure Twitter will concede or go out of business.

    1. They should be taken immediately to Gitmo for some torture and waterboarding, Taliban Jack badly needs a shower.

  8. Revoke the special treatment which was granted all of them when they first started. Then people could SUE them for their atrocious behavior!

  9. Unfortunately, it will never happen, but if enough people stopped engaging in these social media sites, they would be out of business. wouldn’t they?

  10. Twitter is the scum of the earth. The other Big Tech censors are no better from this one incident of sanity. We must put an end to the censoring regime of Big Tech exploiting their defacto monopolies as a tool for socialist takover of society. By any means in the end.

  11. The grand reveal !!!!!

    This is the red flag to our citizens. The colossal warning that should not be dismissed as nothing. People that you trust are stabbing us in the backs, and for those who cannot see this are letting these traitors use you. Those are hooked on Twitter and Facebook and think that this is harmless are putting the entire country in danger. And after this revelation, for those who stay on Twitter AND Facebook should be ashamed of thenmselves. Twitter is NOT the friend of our USA and our citizens, we are being USED for their agenda to destroy our way of life.

  12. Nothing that happens in this county surprises me anymore. Some day these idiots are all going to wake up and say, “Duh, wha happened?” But by then it will be way to late to save anything. I’m thankful that my days here are numbered but my heart aches for my children and gtrandchildren.

  13. Answer is simple you just need the guts to do it. Ban twitter in the USA. Hopefully Trump will get the chance to do so in Jan 2025. Or he can just ban fed employees & military from using it plus keep businesses from bidding on govt contracts if they use it and/or do business with or provide moral support to the Tally boo.

  14. Tell that to the millions of Afghan women and children about to enter slavery again. What a bunch of garbage is spewing out of Twitter. So when does one call a ban on them you bunch of liberal hypocrites. Thank god I never joined their service.

  15. Dorsey should put ring thru his head so he lock his stupidity in his head what idiot would put ring thru his nose only dumb liberal.


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