After telling employees seeking religious or medical exemption from the Covid-19 vaccine United Airlines said they would be placed on unpaid leave. However, in a shocking turn of events now United Airlines has said that policy has been placed on a temporary hold, according to the employee’s attorneys.
Fox Business reports:
United said in August that more than half of its 67,000 U.S.-based employees who weren’t vaccinated would be required to get the vaccine by Sept. 27 or be placed on unpaid leave by Oct. 2, but made an exception for those with medical and religious reasons, which employees argue has not been the case.
Six employee plaintiffs requested a temporary restraining order against the mandate in a lawsuit filed last week, arguing that United has failed to approve accommodation requests regarding the vaccine and instead offered six years of unpaid leave for those wishing not to get the vaccine.
“We are pleased that under a threat of a Temporary Restraining Order, United Airlines postponed its heartless and unlawful vaccine mandate that would impose on approximately 2,000 employees the unconscionable choice of violating their religious faith, violating their doctors’ orders, or essentially losing their job,” Mark Paoletta, a partner at Schaerr Jaffe LLP who is representing the employees, said in a statement.
He continued: “Now everyone can follow the court’s decision to take the time and care needed to carefully consider the legitimate claims our clients have as we seek a solution that allows United to take necessary steps to combat COVID-19 while respecting the civil rights of valuable employees who have sincere religious objections or medical conditions that make them unable to take the vaccine.”
Well done Pres Trump and farewell to Joe Biden!