The state of Georgia is suing the Department of Justice in an effort to “compel compliance” regarding a records request over the communications on the state’s election law with left-leaning activist groups.
State Attorney General Christopher Carr and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger argued in the lawsuit that the Justice Department’s refusal to comply with the records request denies the public information to decide if the DOJ is “colluding or conspiring with outside entities to carry out a political agenda.”
I will always fight for truth and integrity in Georgia’s elections.
— GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (@GaSecofState) December 1, 2021
Fox News reports:
The suit, which was filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, stresses the importance of DOJ records “to answer a question of national significance.”
“To what extent did DOJ coordinate with outside entities when it decided to bring a lawsuit against Georgia, but not other states with similar voting laws, under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act?” the lawsuit states. “The answer to that question will help clarify the extent to which DOJ is pursuing a transparent political agenda in its lawsuit against Georgia.”
In August, Georgia submitted a FOIA request to the Justice Department, requesting all communications discussing SB 202—the state’s new election law—since Nov. 3, 2020, between DOJ officials and a list of nearly 5 dozen entities and individuals, including Stacey Abrams, her organization Fair Fight, Southern Poverty Law Center and the ACLU.
The FOIA also requested communications between DOJ officials and members of Congress or their staff related to the state’s election law, as well as “all internal guidance documents” that the Justice Department used to determine when a provision of a state’s election law violates the Voting Rights Act.
Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger slammed the Biden administration for “stonewalling” the request, noting that the request was filed more than 90 days ago and was initially told a response would be given within 20 days. During an interview with Fox News, Raffensperger reiterated the need to know who is pushing the politicized lawsuit.
C’mon Nov 2022!!!!!
It might not matter because of fraud. If they can do it with someone who OBVIOUSLY
<b>COULD NOT</b> win, they can do it in all elections.
SEEMS LIKE JOE BIDENS MENTAL ABILITY TO GOVERN HAS BLEED OVER TO HIS OTHER DEPARTMENTS MAYBE THEY SHOULD ALL TAKE A FIT SERVE MENTAL TEST. O’Connor’s stamp of approval is anything but reassuring for those skeptical of the president’s ability to lead. SINCE WHEN CAN THE COMMANDER AND CHIEF REFUSE MENTAL HEALTH EXAM? WHEN HE CAN’T PASS IT. BIDEN UNFIT TO MENTALLY SERVE AS PRESIDENT IT’S NOT A FXXXIN GAME JOE. THIS CAN’T BE HIDDEN FROM THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. NO DOCTOR WILL SIGN OFF ON HIS MENTAL STATE TO SERVE AS PRESIDENT.The examination revealed that the president of the United States suffers from a “number of health issues”, but even more concerning, perhaps, was the fact that “Biden refused cognitive testing” – “despite showing obvious signs of diminished cognitive function”. Biden’s physical was completed by Kevin C. O’Connor, D.O., included consultation with several of the Presidential Specialty Consultants from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, including specialists in optometry, otolaryngology (ENT), dentistry, orthopedics (foot and ankle), orthopedics (spine), physical therapy, neurology, cardiology, radiology, dermatology, anesthesiology, and gastroenterology. CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta was asked on air if Biden underwent any tests “that measured mental acuity” like former President Donald Trump did. “It doesn’t seem like it. I read pretty carefully through the doctor’s report, and there was, they mentioned “neurological exam, but that was more in terms of testing motor strength and sensation and things like that”,”Gupta responded. “President Trump had something known as the Montreal cognitive assessment. It’s sort of a screening test for dementia. And, you know, that there was no mention of that sort of thing here. It is a constant point of discussion. I can tell you within the geriatrics community, I wrote this book last year about brain health, and one of the things that kept coming up was, should sort of these types of screening tests, cognitive screening tests, be more commonly done? And there’s many in that community who believe starting at age 65, there should be some sort of screening that’s done. Dr. Ronald Peterson, who runs the Alzheimer’s clinic at Mayo has been somebody who talked about that.” “But as far as we know, for President Biden, we didn’t see any kind of tests like that performed.” O’Connor concluded by claiming that Biden“remains fit for duty, and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations,”though without testing for what appears to be the most obvious threat to “Biden’s ability to perform his job, his mental fitness”,
“Nail their ass”
Gus Phipps
“……….. 5 dozen entities and individuals, including Stacey Abrams, her organization Fair Fight, Southern Poverty Law Center and the ACLU”. That list pretty much sums up the worst liars, cheats and seditionist scum you could ever come up with.
Typical demorats, they stone wall to destroy evidence and hide facts, they cause diversions to get the focus off themselves where the real problem is! Wont me surprized if they dont cause a big shooting somewhere to blame guns to put focus somewhere else! That’s there usual tactics! This is why you dont vote for big mouth demorats! Theyve alway been trouble and they always will be! All to control America and steal tax payer money! Someday there supporters will wake up, but it will be to late! We need to nail these corrupt political puppets and get them in Gitmo ! They will talk. That’s as bad as idiot Bezos giving worthless Obama a 100 million to do what he wants with it!! Wonder how he lives like he does and the racist chaos continues? It’s from idiots giving him money! He has no business in our goverment and never did!
One would have to be deaf, dumb and blind… and dead… not to be at least 99.999% sure that the DOJ hasn’t been complicent with outside agents in both the selection of Georgia’s voting law and their total lack of investigation into the 350+ signed affidavits of voter fraud and treason during the 2020 ekection and Georgia runoff. To me the DOJ is either complicent or non-functional.
Donald — try just plain CORRUPT !!!!!!
Truth be known…..Biden be gone…..simple as that!! They know it!!!
What about subpoenaing Merrick Garland and all the information. And if he doesn’t show up, charge him with contempt, and treat him like HE is treating Steve Bannon and every Trump supporter
What a pathetic,evil,corrupt hidenbiden administration, they lie so much they can not be trusted.
The Biden INJUSTICE Department strikes again!
If you want to vote and do it legal, show your photo ID with your address on it. No mail in ballots except military peroid.
The Republican candidate has to be so good that they can get enough votes to beat the margin of cheating that you know the Democrats are going to perpetrate.
Brad Raffensperger fighting for truth and integrity in elections…. 😂
You are right — what a joke that clown is .
Antithetical is beaurocracy getting political, unethical is heehaws plethoretical on a stage rhetorical but criminal is effbeeeye following Tito Josip’s dictatorial with stron garm actitorial from hillbillary’s dreamaccusatorial and congressarottenethical smeliboot ballotstuffinsufrable. A modurn Teutorical gaze on the scene.
“I will always fight for truth and integrity in Georgia’s elections”. Then, Useless, why didn’t you START with the fraudulent 2020 elections?