Iran Threatens To Assassinate Trump With Sick Video

White House [Public Domain]

Iran’s Supreme Leader vowed revenge on Donald Trump in a video released by his office, which depicts the former president being assassinated by an airstrike. 

The office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei published a video titled “Revenge is Definite” on Thursday. The animated footage showed a spy plane watching a MAGA hat wearing Trump playing a round of golf at his Mar-a-Lago resort with a small group.  

A drone strike is called in, and just before the missiles drop, Trump and what looks like former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, gets a text message that reads: “Solemani’s murderer and the one who gave the order will pay the price.” 

The video was released just after the second anniversary of the death of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, who was killed by an airstrike Trump ordered on Jan. 3, 2020.

The clip was posted on Twitter by an account linked to Khamenei, which was permanently suspended for violating the company’s “ban evasion policy” on Saturday.  

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Thursday that the video was the kind of “offensive rhetoric and behavior” that they’ve seen from the Supreme Leader in the past, but denied to answer if the Biden administration was working with Trump to offer protection.

In a response later that day, Biden’s National Security advisor told the press that Americans “have our disagreements on politics,” but are “united in the defense of our people.”

“The United States will protect and defend its citizens,” said NSA Jake Sullivan. “This includes those serving the United States now and those who formerly served.”

The Secret Service isn’t taking the video lightly, but would not release details about how they planned to keep Trump safe. “The U.S. Secret Service takes all threats to our protectees seriously,” said an agency spokesperson Justine Whelan.

“In order to maintain operation security,” Whelan noted, “the Secret Service does not discuss the means and methods used to conduct our protective operations or matters of protective intelligence.”

    1. I believe America made a big mistake by not already nuking them, and also by not already deporting all Muslims from our nation. They should not have been allowed in our country to start with. They are illegal aliens trespassing here, just like they are trespassing in Israel also.

      1. Excellent comment! Sad shame that all world governments are turning blind eyes & deaf ears to what already happening re radical Muslims. Time’s getting short, for instance look at the state of Missouri. Now fully controlled by Muslims. How the hell did that happen? All we can do is pray & hope that they’re not all radicals!!!!

        1. Jim2 is wrong. What next, deport all non-Christians, blacks, Hispanics? Furthermore, he has no clue about US constitutional law.

          Should we deport non-citizen Muslims who demonstrate hostility to America? That might be quite fair.

          1. Obama the turd will end up being charged with treason and sedition!! He can take his stinking islamic crap and shove it, we will not comply!!

          1. Read the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952 if you have the courage and integrity to do do my aliterate bigoted friend. It was designed to prevent IMMIGRATION of communists into the country. It DID NOT call for the deportation of Natural Born Citizens based on their political beliefs, religion, race, nor ethnicity as many far alt right Klansmen believe.

        2. Obama the dirtbag can forget about pushing that demonic filth on us!! Almghty God the true God is who we will serve and not their vile murdering cult!!!! This country was built on christian|Judeo principles and this will rule!!!

        3. I would not say all Muslims. I know and have known quite a few who are proud to be Americans and this country. I think it would be better to stop illegal immigration to the U.S. because we have no idea who they are or are they willing to become Americans. As well I think their are quite a few U.S. citizens that despise this country, if they want to allow more immigrants in all they need to do is renounce their citizenship and we will ship them to a country of their choosing (that is even if they want them). Their are plenty in our immigration system that are waiting in line for their turn to become an American Citizen and illegal immigration affects those that are doing it legally.

      2. So how are those who converted to Islam or those who came here LEGALLY illegal aliens? How do you get around the First Amendment and deport NBCs?

        And how do you justify a nuclear first strike without sufficient provocation?

        1. You should probably do some research on the laws of this Great Country…otherwise, maybe you should just leave.

          1. Please state the law that allows the involuntary deportation of Natural Born Citizens if you have the cojones to do so. If you imagine it’s the McCarran Act, you’d be quite wrong and would be showing you aliteracy. Or do you believe that it does apply and supersedes the Bill of Rights of that pesky piece of paper to you called the Constitution?

            And why should I leave the country with a Constitution I took an oath to support and defend against ALL enemies BOTH foreign AND Domestic (like you)? Did you serve and pay a price defending this once great constitutional Republic?

  1. Karma can easily be a son-of-a- gun…because we can certainly put a missile in his back pocket…and that is what we should be doing right now. This Ayatollah Ali Khamenei the Supreme Leader of Iran announcing a future action. THEREFORE, subject to immediate action by our government to eliminate such a threat – a planned attack on the former president of the United States is an attack on America.

  2. The mullahs are pushing their luck,don’t they understand, they try something like that, they would be turned into a dustbowl of radiation. Glow in the dark,u bet.

  3. Perhaps it’s time to issue alternatives to the UN. Expel Iran or suffer expulsion of the UN from the U.S. Nations cannot threaten each other and share membership in an organization dedicated to peace. Perhaps it’s also time to deport non-citizen Muslims and criminal Muslim citizens.


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