Supreme Court Rejects GOP Challenge to Wisconsin Congressional Districts

On Wednesday the Supreme Court rejected a Republican challenge to Wisconsin’s congressional district map proposed by Democrat Governor Tony Evers.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

The court’s one-sentence order was unsigned and noted no dissents.

In a separate unsigned order, the high court agreed with the state’s Republican-controlled legislature by rejecting a map of state legislative districts the Wisconsin Supreme Court had also approved after the governor and the legislature deadlocked. Over the dissent of two liberal justices, the Supreme Court said the state court had inadequately justified the creation of an additional Black-majority district, giving the state court a chance to reconsider the map issue before the August primary.

In the case involving U.S. congressional districts, Republican members of Congress from Wisconsin had asked the U.S. Supreme Court to block that state high court’s ruling that would adopt the map proposed by Mr. Evers.

A complicated legal history surrounds the Wisconsin case. After the 2020 census, a group of Wisconsin voters sued to invalidate the 2011 political maps and asked the court to require that new maps be used for future elections.

The Wisconsin state Supreme Court approved the maps, allowing them to take effect for this year’s midterm elections.


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