Rep. Maxine Waters Threatens Journalist to Stay Silent After Telling Homeless to ‘Go Home’ During Event

Korean Resource Center, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Liberal Rep. Maxine Waters reportedly told a journalist not to report on a story involving her telling homeless people to “go home” during an event she attended near a homeless encampment in Los Angeles.

The LA event reportedly took a left turn when hundreds of homeless people showed up due to inaccurate social media reports that Section 8 housing vouchers were being distributed.

Fox News reports:

At one point, when it was clear that staff at the event were being overwhelmed, Waters reportedly said to the crowd, “I want everybody to go home.”

Waters’ comment struck a nerve with the crowd who reportedly began yelling back at the Congresswoman.

“We don’t got no home, that’s why we’re here!” one member of the crowd reportedly said back. “What home we gonna go to?”

Watters then grew frustrated and said, “Excuse me, there’s nobody in Washington who works for their people any f— harder than I do. I don’t want to hear this. No, no, no.”

While Waters’ tone-deaf comment had already struck a nerve with the crowd her true crime came later when she attempted to dissuade a journalist from reporting on the embarrassing incident. When A Los Angeles Times reporter contacted Waters about the event, the Democrat reportedly tried to deter the paper from reporting the story.

“You’ll hurt yourself and the community trying to put this together without background,” she told reporter Connor Sheets, according to the Los Angeles Times. “I don’t want you to start trying to write it, you won’t understand it.”

  1. Waters and the rest of the swamp don’t care about these people in our communities. They make noise, claims, and unsatisfactory solutions that continue to feature no results. Why is she still in office is beyond me? Stop picking people who do NOTHING!!!

  2. Looks like her argument to the reporter also didn’t work in her favor. She lives in a mansion, not even in her own district. Loses control of an event her staff more than likely scheduled and lost control when people who needed housing showed up to get that housing. Her district looks like a Sh*thole and she really doesn’t care. But it’s an election year and the has to rub noses with the minions of her district. Wonder how many showers she felt she had to take for her to remove the perceived stench off of her due to mixing with her constituents. And the reporter? Who knows what will happen to him.

  3. OMG why is this woman still in Congress? She loves being called Aunt Maxine? Who would find this woman endearing?

  4. And for this we pay taxes? Our money goes to that piece of garbage? Seriously, what moron would elevate her to an elected post for any reason other than to get her as far away as possible?

  5. want to bet if we really looked the money was some how found in Maxine’s pocket or given to one of her family like the 800,000 she gave her daughter for a mailing! Maxine’s only friend is Maxine!

  6. Don’t know how Waters is going to manage a reporter telling the truth! This person (and I am being benevolent giving her the benefit of being human) is one of the biggest blowhards, cowardly, dishonest, deceitful, filled with hate, evil member of Congress. Her biggest shame is that in truth she doesn’t live in the district she represents; how does this happen? Oh, I forgot, that is California. To be a member of Congress,both Senate and House should HAVE TO LIVE IN THE AREA THEY REPRESENT! Her obvious lack of care for those who attended the rally is disgusting and reveals the TRUE MAXINE WATERS!

  7. Talk about outliving your usefulness. Old Maxi pad is a symptom of the CANCER that is the American left. Proof positive that ANY fifth grade dropout can be elected to public office, and will unabashedly stand on the neck of their constituents to ensure their own elitest comfort and power. Keeping people STUPID is their one true talent. The history of Maxine Waters should be taught to future generations as the explanation of how to change a World super power into a socialist cesspool. Truly a genuine sleazeball that one.

  8. This has not been a good month for Black people on the perception factor. I will leave someone else to list the details but definitely not a good month .

  9. Why is she still around? She should be charged with inciting violence. Apart from telling liberals to attack Conservatives at Restaurants and on the streets, she lives in a mansion in a plush neighbourhood, whilst her “Constituents” live in poverty and filthy pavements with rubbish accumulationg

  10. Mad Maxine never fails to become news. She is smart enough to defraud a Bank. Her mouth, however is quite stupid.


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