BLM Co-Founder Calls Charity Transparency Laws ‘Triggering, Dangerous’

A protester holds up a Black Lives Matter sign outside the Hennepin County Government Center via Wikimedia Commons

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors is complaining that financial disclosure laws for charities are “triggering” and endanger activists’ lives.

The racial justice activist has been facing renewed criticism over the $6 million LA mansion BLM purchased under her leadership.

The mansion was purchased just two weeks after the charity received a $66.5 million cash infusion from its former fiscal sponsor and was used in multiple videos on Cullors’s personal YouTube channel. Watchdog groups are also raising concerns that BLM used nonprofit assets for the private benefit of its leaders.

According to The Washington Examiner:

“It is such a trip now to hear the term ‘990,’” Cullors said Friday during an event at the Vashon Center for the Arts. “I’m, like, ugh. It’s, like, triggering.”

“I actually did not know what 990s were before all of this happened,” Cullors said, an apparent reference to the Washington Examiner’s reporting in January about BLM’s lack of financial and leadership transparency that led multiple states, including California, to order the charity to cease raising funds until it discloses what it did with the $90 million it raised in 2020.

Then Cullors claimed the financial disclosures required by law put activists in danger.

“This doesn’t seem safe for us, this 990 structure — this nonprofit system structure,” Cullors said. “This is, like, deeply unsafe. This is being literally weaponized against us, against the people we work with.”

Cullors also claimed that she’s been approached by “countless” activists

“People’s morale in an organization is so important. But if their organization and the people in it are being attacked and scrutinized at everything they do, that leads to deep burnout. that leads to deep, like, resistance and trauma,” Cullors said.

Cullors left the organization in 2021 and since then BLM has struggled under increased criticism and lack of leadership.

  1. Not enough can be said that makes fun of these gross retards. They are truly fucking stupid worthless scum.

  2. She could of used it to rebuild the cities they burnt down…..but that would not fit their agenda would it????????????????????

  3. Disallow them to pander for funds under a “Non-Profit” status as well as putting themselves out there as a “Charity” type organization! They DO NOT give a tinker’s dam about Blacks!

  4. We are crooks hiding behind our outrage of other people having stuff and now you want to know what a crook does with the stolen money. You keep it up and we will riot again.

  5. Once the Civil Rights Movement was fighting to see all people are treated equal. Now it is just a hustle for grifters to stuff their pockets and con people to vote for the Democrat Crime Organization.

  6. If youre a THIEF you should be made to feel as uncomfortable and triggering is it?? Youre a liar and a thief and a scumbucket. I hope they put your bl*cka** away for a long long time


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