Washington Post Reporter Arrested in Russia

/, Media/Washington Post Reporter Arrested in Russia

Washington Post Reporter Arrested in Russia

Michael Fleischhacker, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

On Monday, Russian authorities arrested Washington Post columnist Vladimir Kara-Murza. The columnist has publicly criticized President Vladimir Putin and expressed his expectation that “the Putin regime will end over this war in Ukraine.” 

The Daily Wire reports:

In the interview, he said, “This regime that is in power in our country today, it’s not just corrupt … it’s not just authoritarian. It is a regime of murderers,” adding, “and it is important to say it out loud.”

According to The Washington Post, the Russian human rights project OVD-Info said Kara-Murza was arrested and was being held on a 15-day “administrative jail sentence.”

“He was reportedly accused of ‘behaving inappropriately in the sight of police officers, changing his direction of movement, quickening his pace and trying to hide when asked to stop.’ OVD-Info cited Kara-Murza’s defense team, who said he had merely been exiting a car near his house,” the Post reported.

Kara-Murza is a colleague of the deceased Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, who was assassinated in 2015. Kara-Murza was deputy leader of the People’s Freedom Party, and is an author, documentary director, and was a candidate for the Russian parliament.

Vladimir Kara-Murza’s wife, Evgenia, posted on Twitter about the arrest.


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