Herschel Walker Reveals Why He’s ‘Mad’ at Trump

Tech. Sgt. Samuel King Jr., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Is trouble brewing between former President Trump and Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker?

The former football star says he’s mad at Trump for making it seem that he launched his Senate campaign to appease the former President’s wishes when in reality Trump never asked him to run at all.

Walker made the comments during a wide-ranging interview on Revolt TV.

Mediaite reports:

“One thing that people don’t know is President Trump never asked me. I need to tell him that he never asked. I heard it all on television that he’s going to ask Herschel, saying Hershel is going to run,” Walker said. “President Trump never came out and said ‘Herschel, will you run for that Senate seat?’”

“So, I’m mad at him, because he never asked, but he’s taking credit that he asked,” Walker said.

Walker explained that his religious convictions inspired him to run.

It’s not clear exactly when the two Republicans’ relationship soured considering Trump recently stumped for Walker in Georgia and even offered a glowing endorsement prior to Walker launching his campaign.

“He told me he’s going to, and I think he will,” Trump said months ago on The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. “He’s a great guy. He’s a patriot. He’s a very loyal person. They love him in Georgia, I’ll tell you…I think it would be very, very hard to beat Herschel…I think beating him would be very tough. And I think he’s going to run.”

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