Weekend Recap: President Trump

President Donald Trump giving remarks in the White House Rose Garden on May 30, 2020. Via Wikimedia Commons.

What happened to former President Trump this weekend? It seems that over the weekend quite a few updates popped up on Trump, Twitter, and the DOJ. In the sequence of events, it seems that the DOJ and the Dems were fighting to again hang Trump for January 6th. With it all starting Friday with a hearing on the classified material at his Florida estate.

Friday Federal Judge, Beryl Howell urged lawyers from the Department of Justice and lawyers from Trump’s team to work the matter out on their own, before declining to take action on holding Trump in contempt of court. This was after the DOJ alleged Trump and his team failed to comply with subpoenas rather they supposedly kept important classified documents in his Mar-o-Lago home. Former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara predicted that the DOJ is just “on a path” to charge Trump. As the ridiculousness ramps up, the organization keeps right along with it.

The events continued when Twitter CEO Elon Musk revealed the third and fourth parts of the so-called “Twitter files.” During the third installment, investigative reporter, Matt Taibbi, revealed the snide way Trump was targeted for removal from Twitter. Taibbi shared screenshots of Slack messages between himself and other employees discussing the Trump ban. One unnamed executive alleged the “context surrounding” the actions of Trump and his supporters “over the course of the election and frankly last 4+ years” contributed to the ban.

In the fourth part of the files, the reactions of Twitter employees towards the ban on Trump were revealed. The only serious concern on the basis of free speech seemed to have been voiced by a junior employee within the company in a Slack channel buried pretty deep. Insinuating that the bulk of Twitter employees did not mind the unconstitutional wrongness the ban displayed, or how it would look on them. During this fourth installment, it was also revealed by co-releaser Journalist Michael Shellenberger, that the company faced “internal and external” pressure to ban Trump from the site. It was also cited within Shellenberger’s statement that the former first lady Michelle Obama was among those who pressured the company to remove Trump from the site.

After the events of January 6th, Mrs. Obama took to Twitter to discuss the events in which she called for the banning of “this man,” aka Trump.

While Trump was suspended at the time of this Tweet, he had a “Public-interest exceptions” policy that he kept current with the site, which meant as he was an elected official he would not be banned based on having a high percentage of public interest. Though this was ignored when days later he was in fact banned from the platform.


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