Fox News Hosts Have Turned on President Trump

President of the United States Donald Trump speaking with supporters at an "An Address to Young Americans" event hosted by Students for Trump and Turning Point Action at Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Gage Skidmore Flickr.

Nobody could be too surprised when the Lefty media outlets prematurely declared Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the winners of the 2020 Presidential Election, but what left some surprised was the number of hosts from Fox News who joined them. It’s no secret the President has become less and less enthused by the Right-leaning media group in the past years, finally boiling over when Fox prematurely called Arizona for Biden. Lately, President Trump has been talking up other conservative media companies like OANN and Newsmax, no doubt an effort to pull viewers away from Fox. Since Election Day, the Trump campaign has alleged incidents of voter fraud in multiple states and have filed legal challenges to delay the certifying of election results. Multiple Fox News hosts have publicly urged Trump to concede the election and make way for the Biden transition team

Meet the Fox News hosts who declared Biden President-elect and urged Trump to give up:

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