London Mayor Trashes Trump Travel Ban. But Guess Who He’s Having Over For Dinner?

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is an outspoken critic of Donald Trump, going so far as to extend an invitation to anti-Trump Americans should they ever make good on their promise to expatriate themselves(we’re not holding our breath on that one). This week, Khan was so irate about Trump’s travel ban that he demanded Prime Minister Theresa May rescind her invitation for a state visit.  Khan would have you believe that he’s a principled opponent of travel bans.

This is a perfectly reasonable, worldly position. Making assumptions about a person’s character based on their faith might be practical, but philosophically, many reasonable people believe it’s wrong. 

There’s just one problem: Khan’s not one of them. In fact, that’s sort of the opposite of his position:

Just hours after demanding the government rescinds its invite to President Trump over his travel ban, Sadiq Khan will tonight host a City Hall reception with 11 dignitaries whose countries bar Israeli citizens from entering. Bangladesh, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen will all be represented at the gathering of ambassadors this evening. All 11 of these countries block travel to Israeli passport holders. Khan will use tonight’s party to criticise Trump’s ban as “cruel, prejudiced and counterproductive.” While dining with 11 diplomats whose countries have done the same for years… 

So Khan doesn’t think banning people on the basis of faith is wrong, he thinks banning people from Muslim countries is wrong. Blocking Isreali passport holders? Just fine.

We’d note that blocking passport holders isn’t all these countries do when it comes to Israel, and Jews in general. In Pakistan, a man calling himself “the last Jew in Pakistan(probably accurate)” was ambushed by a mob of Muslim men and beaten. Afterwards he was arrested and beaten by police. In 2015, the Yemeni government warned Yemeni Jews to “convert or leave the state.” Thousands of Iranian Jews fled to America after that country’s revolution, and in recent years, Iranian leaders have openly discussed the elimination of Israel. 

If you think all of those things are a lot worse than say, a temporary ban on immigration from Muslim countries until we can establish proper vetting criteria, you’re right. But in London. doing these things makes you an honored guest of the mayor. 


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